Enshrouded gives you several survivors that you can bring back to your camp, and who, in return unlock new structures to construct at your base – these help you a big way in making your runs across the dangerous landscape of the ‘Shroud’ that much more manageable and fun. One such survivor that you unlock helps you build a Laboratory that can then be used to craft recipes that are super helpful as you approach the end game. In case you are looking for help on this, we have put up all the details on how to make a Laboratory in Enshrouded in this guide.
How To Unlock Laboratory In Enshrouded

To unlock Laboratory as a structure to craft in Enshrouded, get the Alchemist back to your base and run through his quest line to recover his equipment; till you come to the last quest titled ‘Scientific Instruments for a Laboratory’. On successfully completing this quest, you will have the Laboratory unlocked as a structure that can be constructed at your base.
You can go through our guide on how to get the Alchemist in Enshrouded; while his quests list is as follows:
- An Eternal Spell
- The Alchemist’s Rumors
- The Alchemist’s Mortar
- Carpentry Assistance
- A Black Cauldron For The Alchemist
While the quests are at the end of the day fetch quests, they get you substantial rewards like:
- An Improved Grappling Hook
- Eternal Ice Bolt Spell
- Carpenter to join your survivors at the base
- Crafting Alchemical Base
and so on. You will also encounter boss fights during this series of quests, so go adequately prepared.
How To Complete Scientific Instruments For A Laboratory Quest

After handing over the Cauldron to the Alchemist, he will be happy and compliment you for getting that for him. And, like always, ask you if you can get some Scientific Instruments to help him construct a Laboratory. With that, he will give you the approximate location of his friend Loraine Crim, who can help you out. This starts the Scientific Instruments for a Laboratory quest.

The map marker will show the location for this to be east of the Nomad Highlands Tower. You will eventually arrive at a hill in the desert area, and the marker will show the location to be just beyond that. Search the Obelisk Excavation Camp for clues; and the quest marker will update the location for the next leg of this quest: exactly North of your current location.
You can follow the main path and that should lead you very close to your destination – the Eldermere Dam Excavation Camp. Look to your right for the next quest update shining in the distance. This will be bang in the middle of a Vulture nest, so take care of them before moving ahead. There is also some lore in the tent right of the nest, so read that if you want to know more of what exactly went down there.
However, once you have read the notes, the quest is complete and you can return back to the Alchemist. The Laboratory is now unlocked and available to you as Furniture to be crafted.
How To Construct A Laboratory In Enshrouded
After unlocking the Laboratory by completing the ‘Scientific Instruments for a Laboratory’ quest; you can now craft a Laboratory in Enshrouded with the following resources:
- 1 * Scientific Instruments
- 3 * Glass
- 1 * Athanor: crafted at the Alchemy Station with 10 * Glass, 10 * Bronze Bars and 5 * Lump of Clay
- 10 * Copper Bar
- 40 * Fired Brick
What Is The Laboratory In Enshrouded Used For?
The Laboratory In Enshrouded can be used to craft several key resources which are further used in recipes; as well as Revitalizing Health Potion, and Explosive Power Grenades. Here is the full list of all that can be crafted at a Laboratory in Enshrouded:
Item | Use |
Enshrouded Oil | used in other recipes |
Black Powder | used in other recipes for Black Powder Ball, Explosive Barrel & Explosive Arrow II |
Paper | used in other furniture like Secret Bookshelf Door |
Spice | used in other food item recipes like Stir-Fried Vegetables |
Nitrate | used in other recipes like Mortar |
Revitalizing Health Potion | restores 800 HP |
Eternal Heal Channel | Spell that heals all allies |
Lightning Channel | Shock type Chain Lightning Spell |
Eternal Light Burst | Fire type Spell that pushes back enemies |
Eternal Acid Bite | Spell that poisons enemies |
Explosive Power Grenade | explodes on impact and causes AOE damage |
And with that you have unlocked and used another key crafting station in Enshrouded. The game was released as early access in Jan this year; and is likely to have a full release next year for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series S/X.