Call of Duty Black Ops 6 offers some unique rewards if you manage to complete the Prestige challenges. You can collect Calling Cards to show off to your team, but you need to complete the set of challenges presented for each one to get them. Once you reach Prestige 1 Challenges while playing BO6 Multiplayer, you can unlock a set of challenges to get various Calling Cards. One of the Cards that is the most difficult to get is the Squint Test, which requires you to earn a Moonshot Medal.
To get the Medal itself, you need to kill an enemy that is 250m or more away. This can get challenging, as most maps do not cover such vast distances. And that’s exactly why we have put up this guide to help you get the Moonshot Medal In COD Black Ops 6 for the Squint Test Calling Card.
How to Kill an Enemy 250 Meters or More BO6 Moonshot Medal

While getting an enemy kill at over 250 meters seems simple on paper, it is actually quite difficult to implement. Even though BO6 offers the best long-range weapons to single handedly gun down targets across a distance, you might have a hard time trying to find the right map to cover such a vast distance. But there is a simple hack where you can still achieve this objective without breaking a sweat. First, you need some explosive Field Upgrades like the Spring Mine or Blast Trap.
Next, load into any large map like Vault or Rewind. It doesn’t matter if you load into Infected mode or not, as this challenge can be completed in either one. Now, run around the map to find an area that has a lot of enemies. You can either plant the Mine in the middle, or find an HVT and drop the mine on top of it. After that, you have to die and respawn as far away from the dropped Mine location. If the Mine is triggered after you spawn in, congrats! You now have the Moonshot Medal for the Squint Test Calling Card.
Easiest Way To Get The Moonshot Medal In BO6

Sometimes, your respawn timing after you die can be a bit off, and the chances of the Mine triggering in your absence is high. This can help you lose out on the Moonshot Medal, and you might have to repeat the steps again. The best way to get the medal is to do it co-op rather than solo. Have a friend grab a target as a body shield or down an HVT. Then, run across or respawn to the other end of the map. You can then ask your friend to kill the target, thus helping you get the Moonshot Medal.
There are tons of other challenges to complete while playing Black Ops 6, and there are a couple of guides you can check out like the Fatale Dark Ops Challenge or destroying Aerial Streaks With HE-1.