Star Wars Outlaws puts the good stuff behind many intriguing gameplay mechanics. With some items, you will have to sneak into another base without getting detected, and with some, you will have to climb the mountain to deal with automated turrets that shoot lasers and can’t be damaged with a gun. With HD05-G Circuit, the game throws a puzzle for the player to solve to get the item. This guide will go through all the steps to get the HD05-G Circuit in Star Wars Outlaws.
Guide To Get HD05-G Circuit In Star Wars Outlaws

Requirements: The mission requires your speeder to have the Speed Boost Ability. You unlock the ability to Speed Boost by going through the initial quest from the Mechanic Expert. You will also need the Power Module on your Blaster, this can be unlocked by playing the main campaign right after the Gunsmith Questline.
- The location here points to the east of The Lost Steppe and west of Southern Falls. Once you get to the Objective marker, you will find an orange ramp, located westside of Shipjacker Workshop.
- Time to make the jump using Speeder, when you get close to the ramp, hit the ability to jump across the gap. Once you land on the other side, get off the speeder and start climbing the ledges in front of you.
- Once you are on the top, take Coarseweave x1, Durasteel x1. And then look to your right, and you will find a red boulder blocking your path. Pull out the blaster switch to the Power Module, and shoot the rock off.
- Go through the gap and start moving left. eventually, you will come across another roadblock. This time instead of a rock, you must turn off a fan. Look to the left of the fan, you will see a small boulder that almost looks the same as the last boulder, you can shoot the piece of rock to reveal the Terminal powering the fan.
- The other area is the real piece of meat of the mission. The HD05-G circuit is behind the door, the door needs three green lights to open. Our job is to turn the red lights into green.
- The three red lights above the door, are being powered by the fans in the area. It all comes down to, turning on three fans in the area to open the door to our treasure.
First Fan: First we tackle the fan on the right, to turn it on, we will need to pull two levers at the same time. Start pulling the first lever, and send in Nix to pull the second one. This will turn on the first fan. Two more red lights to go.

Second Fan: Now that we have taken the fan on the right, let’s take the one on the left. Take the route left of the door, passing the fan, you will come across a climbable wall. Once you are on the top, and you will find a window, send in Nix to push the button inside. This will turn on the second fan, now we only have one red light to deal with.

Third Fan: Follow the middle wire coming out of the main door, it will take you directly to the last piece of the puzzle. Here you will find Ray Accelerator x3, Polycarbonate x3, and Aurodium Necklace X1. On the left, in the corner, you will find a fan with a small boulder blocking the wings from moving. Shoot it with the blaster shot to make it the wings free.

With all three fans turned on, the door is now open. Go through the door to take the HD05-G circuit and plenty of other useful materials lying around the room.
Stuck on a quest in Star Wars Outlaws? Then do check out guides: Star Wars Outlaws False Flag: How To Reach The Data Vault or How To Find Hidden Stash In Star Wars Outlaws.