Throne and Liberty has been climbing the charts steadily as new players are introduced to the game. Like in any good MMORPG, there is a lot to do here that can keep you engaged for long periods of time. Some quests will require a lot of thought to complete, and such is the case with the Won! Golem’s Manastone quest. For this quest, you need to win the auction to get the Golem Manastone. This guide will cover how to complete the Won! Golem’s Manastone quest and how to win the auction in Throne and Liberty
Throne & Liberty Won! Golem’s Manastone Quest Start Location

The Won! Golem’s Manastone starts with speaking to the Golem Crafter located near the Abandoned Stonemason Town waypoint. Start from this waypoint and make your way southeast to the marked location above. Once you are here, look around for the Golem Crafter, who can be found on top of the wooden platforms. Get up there and talk to the NPC to start the Won! Golem’s Manastone quest
Won! Golem’s Manastone Quest Guide In Throne & Liberty

The Golem Crafter will require the Golem’s Manastone to complete their work piece, but the only way to get it is through a secret auction. You need to trade a valuable item for Mica and get the Golem’s Manastone. The item of value that you need to acquire is the Giant Crystal Scorpion tail. For that, you need to locate and defeat the Giant Crystal Scorpion, and one will spawn directly north of your current location. But you can check your map for other spawn locations too

The Giant Crystal Scorpion is a level 31 enemy, and can use some moves that can stun you. But you can quickly bring it down and attain the tail as long as you avoid its attacks. Now that you have the Giant Crystal Scorpion tail, make your way to the Secret Auction. You can find the Secret Auction just a bit northwest of Wrecked Quarry Wheel, but you need to visit the area at night for the auction to take place. Talk to the guard near the door, exchange the Giant Crystal Scorpion tail for some Mica, then enter and start the auction
How To Win The Golem’s Manastone Auction In Throne & Liberty
When you enter the Auction House the first time, you won’t immediately get what you want. You first need to win three rounds of auctions by being the highest bidder. To know when to bid, wait for the other two bidders to start bidding. If you find only one person bidding, then don’t try to outbid them. If you find both bidders enthusiastically bidding, then it is time for you to put in your bid. Wait till they reach the upper bidding limit of 40, then place your bid at 50 to win the round.

Exit the auction house and return to start the next auction round. Repeat this process a second time to win the second auction round as well, which will bring us to the final round that holds the Golem’s Manastone. You need to wait for the auctioneer to say the following phrase and start your bidding:
This, my friends, is a precious item. It’s an enormous concentrate made of magic…
Win the bid, collect the Golem’s Manastone, then exit and escape from the auction house. Return to the Golem Crafter to complete the quest.
There are several other interesting quests in the game, do check this one out that has you board a flying Gigantrite. Or if you are looking for resource collecting, have a look at our mining guide for Throne & Liberty.