In the recently updated Stalcraft: X, you get to go back to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R universe in a Minecraft-esque FPS MMO adventure. As you explore the world and start picking up loot left and right, you’ll soon come to a point where you just can’t carry any more items. That’s when you need to get yourself a better Backpack.
In this guide, we’ll discuss how you can get and use Backpacks in Stalcraft: X to expand your inventory space. Let’s get started.
How to Get Backpacks in Stalcraft: X
You can get Backpacks in Stalcraft: X by crafting them at the Merchant of Gear when you’re in a safe zone. You’ll need a set of resources to craft a specific Backpack. Since the resource requirement is different, we recommend focusing on crafting a single Backpack at a time.

You can check the resource requirement for different Backpacks by hovering your mouse over the Backpack in the Merchant of Gear window. Different Backpacks give different bonuses. The Sports Backpack is usually the best for new players since it’s easy to make and gives you 15% bonus stamina and 20 carry weight.
How to Use Backpacks in Stalcraft: X
To use a Backpack, simply craft it and place it in the Bags and Containers slot in your inventory. This will immediately grant you the bonuses and extra carry space that comes with it.
However, make sure you’re wearing the right armor type for your Backpack. Some armors restrict you to using light Backpacks, whereas others allow you to equip heavy Backpacks and containers.
Hopefully, the information in this guide helped you figure out how to equip your Backpacks in Stalcraft: X. Now that that’s sorted, check out our other guides on the game, such as Best Ways to Make Money in Stalcraft : X and How To Use A Metal Detector in Stalcraft : X.