In story mode, you will face off against a lot of difficult enemies but few come close to the difficulty of defeating Ginyu Force in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. This is especially hard because you play as Goku and you are tasked with defeating the entirety of Ginyu Force back to back with just one character at your disposal. So let’s take a look at how you can defeat all of them easily by applying a specific strategy.
How To Beat All Of Ginyu Force In Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero

Trying to fight Ginyu Force in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero the regular way is way too tough and will require absolute mastery over Goku and the general mechanics of the game. Instead, what you need to do is go into Sparking Mode by charging up your Ki, spam the hell of out the opponent with combos, and then hit them with Goku’s ultimate; Spirit Bomb.
For every opponent you face back to back, you just have to rinse and repeat this until the fight is over. This can be a bit boring to some players as it’s somewhat of a cheesy method but without spamming combo and using Spirit Bomb, there is really no other way to defeat them than to do everything perfectly and not get hit more than once or twice.
So here is what your strategy will look like:
- As soon as the fight begins, get your rush combos in while trying your best to dodge and block incoming attacks
- Spam combo until you push them far away
- Use this time to charge up until you enter Sparking Mode
- Now it is time to use the Spirit Bomb but you need to do it in a combo so that the enemy stays stun-locked and gets hit by it
- The combo you want to pull off goes like this: Square, Square, Square then immediately followed by Up + Triangle
- For the Xbox controller, it will be X, X, X then Up + Y
- Now simply finish off your current opponent with combo spams and you can also throw in a Kamehameha in there if possible
- Repeat these steps for each opponent until you defeat all of Ginyu Force characters
Despite being somewhat of a cheesy method, it will still require you to dodge and block attacks and you may still fail some attempts at this. However, it is still easier than attempting it without doing the spam combos and ultimate Spirit Bomb. Since there is only one character you can use, you cannot even use mechanics like Chase Change to make the fight easier. With a few attempts using this method, you should be able to defeat Ginyu Force in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero in no time.