The second quest in Genshin Impact 5.3, has us rescuing 3 people who are trapped in the area. Here we must use Xiao’s ability to spot the Fetor Node and then destroy it to release the trapped people. In this guide, we will solely cover the objective of finding the 3 people who are trapped in the mission of The Funeral Parlor No Master quest.
Quest Overview

During the second stanza, the mission titled The Funeral Parlor Has No Master, Yujing Terrace Calls the Troops will activate. It takes place after finishing Liyue Celebrates and Eight Adepts Face a Hidden Calamity event quest; as part of the Lantern Rite 2025 event.
Getting to the Golden Tree Zone
During the second quest, you will head inside the Border between the Life and Death domain. Here our objective is to look for Qiqi and three people who are trapped inside. We find all three of them in an area with a golden tree in the middle. Here are the steps you can follow to find the golden tree area:
- Once inside, start walking north and then glide across to reach the platform on the other side. It will be well hidden in the fog, use the map indicator on the hud to guide you to the platform. You will come across a large door with a small cube or Fetor Node in the front. Use Xiao’s ability and hit the cube to open the door.
Note: You must use Xiao’s ability, and then the game will update the objective to Attack the Fetor Node to dispel the Fetor.
- On the other side of the door, there will be some enemies waiting for you. Eliminate all of them, and head through the door with a cube in the front. Just interact with the cube to open the door. You will find the treasure box on your left, open it you will find Mora, Wanderer’s Advice, Geo Sigil, and some exp. You will soon reach the end of the cliff, there is only one way to go, down. Jump down from the cliff.
- You will land on the small lake on the ground. Swim your way to the cave in the front. Climb some stairs and you will soon find an exit to the cave. Here you will find a giant golden tree in the middle with sunlight beaming across the area.
Find Three Rattan Figures

Here we have three pillars around the tree, we must use Xiao’s ability to spot the pillar and then attack to release the Rattan Figure. The figure we will quickly move out of our way, we have to play a game of cat and mouse to catch it. This has to be done for all three Ratten Figures in the area.
- Rattan Figure #1: Use Xiao’s ability, on your way to the golden tree, look to your right. You will find a leaning pillar next to the orange bushes, half merged in the sand on the ground. Attack the pillar and release the rattan figure. It will quickly hide behind the rock next to the pillar. Follow the Rattan figure and catch it.
- Rattan Figure #2: Head left of the golden tree and you will find another pillar in the ground. Use Xiao’s ability to spot it, and then hit the pillar to release the Rattan figure. The figure will quickly move towards the right of the pillar hiding in the bushes. Follow the figure to catch it.
- Rattan Figure #3: Now head behind the tree and you will find a couple of enemies by the doorway. Defeat the enemies and you find the third Rattan figure after destroying the leaning pillar. The Rattan figure will go through the doorway and will be hiding on the rock on the left. Follow the figure to catch it.
After you have caught all three, a cutscene will soon trigger showing the state of the border, here you jump down the hole, and then proceed straight ahead to come across a Precious Chest, and then further ahead to find Qiqi.
Check our guide on all 11 Fortune Coin locations in Liyue Harbor to collect the Auspicious Mora: Flowing Fortune reward.