Full Springtime Charms Event opens up new engaging minigames with its own set of rewards and fun challenges. The games here range from collectible hunting and match puzzles to envelope crafting and many new and interesting ways to celebrate the event. In this guide, we are going to cover every little detail for Days 1, 2, and 3 of the Lantern Rite 2025 Springtime Charms Event in Genshin Impact.
Full Springtime Charms Event

Date: From Jan 24, 2025, to Feb 09, 2025
Rank Requirements: Adventure Rank 20 or above.
Quest Requirement: Archon Quest Prologue – Act 3 (You will need to be above level 18 to start the quest after finding the For a Tomorrow Without Tear! Quest )
The Full Springtime Charms Event brings in tons of mini-games for us to play and win amazing rewards that include Xiangling’s new event outfit and a 4-star Liyue character for free without any charge. But to unlock it, you must reach the rank 20 and finish the Prologue Act 3 quest.
Optional quests that you can finish for the event include Archon Quest Chapter 5 Act 5, Baizhu Story Quest, and Hu Tao Story Quest. While none of these quests play any role in unlocking the event they will help you gain full experience of the characters.
Rewards: Crown of Insight/ Primogems/ Mora/ Hero’s Wit/ Mystic Enhancement Ore/ Liyue 4-Star Character and Xiangling New Year’s Cheer Outfit
Springtime Charms: Day 1
Day 1 starts with a fantastic quest that introduces us to all the new spots in Liyue Harbor. We will also have access to a whole range of minigames, each one will be different than the last with its own set of rewards after completion. Here are the details of every minigame part of the Day 1 event.
- Quest: Liyue Celebrates and Eight Adepts Face a Hidden Calamity
- Immortal Combat Minigame
- Drills by Lamplight Minigame (Stages 1 and 2)
- Custom Gift Envelope Minigame (Stages 1 and 2)
- Fortune Coins Collectibles
- Launch Tubes Collectibles
- Sightseeing Scopes Collectibles
Day 1 acts as an introduction to every minigame found in Liyue Harbor. We have listed all the minigame details including the reward under each section. Day 2 brings the same minigames but with a different set of rewards but the basic principle behind the games will stay the same.
Quest: Liyue Celebrates and Eight Adepts Face a Hidden Calamity
Once you reach Adventure Rank 20 and finish the Archon Quest Prologue Act -3, you will unlock a new quest titled Liyue Celebrates and Eight Adepts Face a Hidden Calamity.
The quest basically serves as a guide to Liyue Harbor. During the quest, you will get to meet many different characters in a cutscene, at the same time, you will also become familiar with the zone. Each time you encounter a character, the game will switch to a cutscene to help you learn more about the event and the area details. Here is the list of places you will visit on the quest:
- You will encounter your first cutscene with Hu Tao and Xiangling when you get to the Liyue Harbor by crossing the small bridge in the middle of the city.
- Now head to Lantern Rite Street Fair, found north of the map, here you will see a different cutscene with Keqing and Lan Yan.
- The third cutscene will trigger at Lan Yan’s Stall to check out Madame Lan’s Craftmanship, near the docks east of the map.
- Now you must look for Hu Tao at Funeral Parlor southwest of the city.
- Head to the Wanmin Restaurant in the downtown to trigger the cutscene
- Go to Ying’er’s shop to talk to Timaeus and Ying’er’s. Then head back to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor to catch up with Lan Yan and Hu Tao.
After Ferrylady, you will encounter Zhongli and Yun Jin across the street from Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.
Finishing the quest awards you with 30x Primogem, x6 Mystic Enhancement Ore, 30000x Mora, and x3 Hero’s Wit. A special reward for the quest earns you Zhongli: Rex Coin and Drunken Plums in Snow Recipe.
Minigame #1: Immortal Combat

The very first minigame on the list is Immortal Combat, it’s a block-matching minigame with its own set of rewards and game mechanics. Here we must rely on choosing the best Rattan figure to change the direction of the gameplay, towards winning.
Minigame Info: If you have played Candy Crush, you will dig this minigame. Here you have to match four or more of the same color blocks to destroy your opponent’s HP. Once the opponent’s HP turns to zero, you win the game.
Power Ups: The Rattan Figure you bring to the match, will gain energy after you clear out the blocks. Each Rattan Figure is equipped with its own set of skills that can have many effects on the battlefield. Choosing the right one can lead you to the path of victory or tragedy.
Score Info: The Day 1 limit for the score is set to x800, Day 2 raises the score limit to x1200, and finally on Day 3, we will have the score limit of x1600.
Playstyle: Here we can play both Solo and Co-Op. While playing on Solo, you will face Rattan figure to challenge but on Co-Op you will face other players. Solo players will also get to choose between two difficulty settings: Friendly Contest (Normal) and Full-Force Faceoff (Hard).
Best Rattan Figures for Solo Play:
- Stage 1 Enemy: Jade-Plumed Silverwing
The enemy can turn your random blocks on your field into obstacles. Here we recommend you clear out the blocks immediately before they become a problem. Sae Jian, Sage Hu, or Lone Butterfly of the Crimson Flame will be perfect against Jade-Plumed Silverwing.
- Stage 2 Enemy: Gold-Eyed Celadon Mare
The enemy on Stage 2 can freeze your blocks. Once frozen, you can only move the blocks next to the frozen blocks or around them. Here you can choose Yunlai Angler, Wuwang Kid, or Wind Reader Rattan Figure for the battle. They will help you enhance your blocks, once you clear them out.
Rewards for x800: Primogem x30/ Festive Fever x100/ Mora x30,000/ Eight Adept mask: Yunlai Angler x1.
Minigame #2: Drills by Lamplight

There are six stages planned for Drills by Lamplights, so far we have access to Stages 1 to 4, and the last two will be released on Jan 28.
Game info; Your goal is to defeat as many enemies as possible in the given time. Defeating enemies will rack up points at the end. More enemies you slay will result in a higher score to meet the stage’s objective.
- Drills by Lamplight: Fiery Assult (Stage 1):
- Reach a Score of 2,500/ 15,000/ 50,000
- Enemies: Secret Source Automaton Hunter-Seeker/ Ruin Guard/ Ruin Drake/ Tenebrous Mimiflora
- Req: Here you must defeat enemies with your Elemental skills to get the multiplier working.
- Drills by Lamplight: General Insights (Stage 2):
- Reach a Score of 5000/ 30,000/ 100,000
- Enemies: Assault Specialist Mek/ Ruin Grader/ Ruin Drake/ Tenebrous Mimiflora
- Req: You must activate three different elemental reactions to get points.
Note: Your score will have an effect on the rewards you will get at the end. Reaching for the highest score is the best way to obtain all the rewards for Drills by Lamplight.
Minigame #3: Custom Gift Envelope

Head to the Gift Envelope Stall in Liyue Harbor to participate in the event. If you can’t find the characters at the stall, then you must come back the other day between 8:00 to 18:00 (In-game clock).
Minigame Detail: Here you choose and create a unique gift by adding Motifs to it. Interacting with different characters and completing the envelope based on their preferences is to complete the challenge. Setting the envelope to the public will make it visible to everyone, as it will go to the Gift Envelope Exhibition Column.
- Custom Gift Envelope No.1
Here Mika will ask you to add 5 Motifs, specifically choosing an orange or yellow Motif for the card.
Rewards: Primogem x30/ Festive Fever x80/ Agnidus Agate Fragment x3/ Guide to Prosperity x3
- Custom Gift Envelope No.2
The second gift envelope will focus on 5 different Flower Motifs as requested by Kujou Sara.
Rewards: Primogem x30/ Festive Fever x80/ Varunada Lazurite Fragment x3/ Guide to Diligence x3
Minigame #4: Festive Travel Journal Collections
Now we are heading to the collectibles part of the event. Here we have three special items we need to collect for the journal:
- Fortune Coins x12
- Sightseeing Scope x3
- Launch Tube x3
Fortune Coins

Here we must ring 12 Fortune Coins spread throughout the Liyue Harbor. Once you find one of them, you must attack to ring it and it will automatically count towards the progression. It can be a bit difficult to hunt down all of them, but we have an excellent guide helping you find all of them in Liyue Harbor.
Rewards: Auspicious Mora: Flowing Fortune furnishing reward. You just need to get 3 Fortune Coins to unlock it.
Sightseeing Scopes

Our goal is here to find three Sightseeing Scopes scattered in the Liyue Harbor area. We only have to interact with one of them to make progress.
- Location #1: Head to the dock area east of the map. Here you will find the scope beside the house, right on the edge.
- Location #2: Climb the bell tower found middle of the map. Once you reach the top, you will find a Sightseeing Scope.
- Location #3: Head to the southeast of the Central Plaza and you will find a Sightseeing Scope beside the stairs.
Rewards: You will unlock the Fairest of Scenes furnishing reward by only interacting with two Sightseeing Scopes in the game.
Launch Tubes

Here we have three Launch Tubes found throughout Liyue Harbor. You don’t have to find all three of them, to complete the progress, you must only hit one of them.
- Location #1: You will find the lanterns in the middle of the map, at Central Plaza.
- Location #2 You will find the Launch Tubes at the docks east of the map. Head to the edge of the docks to find the tubes.
- Location #3: Head to Southern Liyue harbor and you will find the Launch Tubes near the Teleport Waypoint.
Rewards: Heron-Spiral Downlight: A Thousand Wondrous Vistas furnishing. You must hit at least 2 Launch Tubes to unlock the furnishing. You can access the reward from the Lamplit Entertainment event screen.
That concludes every type of minigame you will encounter on Day 1 of the Springtime Charms Event.
Springtime Charms: Day 2
Day 2 unlocks more stages of the minigames we encountered on Day 1 of the Springtime Charms Event. The new stages will have their own objectives and rewards set for them. Here are all the details of the Day 2 stages in Springtime Charms.
- The Funeral Parlor Has No Master, Yujing Terrace Calls the Troops
- Immortal Combat – x1200
- Drills by Lamplight – Stage 3 Slowing Defense/ Stage 4 Chain Reaction
- Custom Gift Envelope – Stages 3 and 4
Quest: The Funeral Parlor Has No Master, Yujing Terrace Calls the Troops
Unlock Requirements: Completion of the Liyue Celebrates and Eight Adepts Face a Hidden Calamity event quest.
- Head to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor to meet Hu Tao only after waiting for two days. Now the next objective is to look for Qiqi in an abandoned house in the center of Wuwang Hill.
- Once you are in the location, defeat the enemies then the game will trigger a cutscene with Yelan. Now head to Yujing Terrace to meet with Ningguang.
- Our next goal is to seek assistance from Xiao located in Wangshu Inn, north of the Liyue Region. The next task is to find the source of the Fetor around Wuwang Hill. After finding the source of the fetor with Xiao a customer will trigger.
- Now you can go inside the Border Between Life and Death Domain to search for Qiqi and the people are trapped inside. We have a guide to help you figure out where exactly you can find the three people trapped inside.
- After defeating the enemies, make your way back to Yujing Terrace and report to Ningguang. Then head over to Adventurer’s Guild in Liyue to meet with Lan Yan.
Lastly, go to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor to meet with Hu Tao. The final cutscene will trigger completing the quest.
Rewards: Primogem x30/ Mystic Enhancement ore x6/ Mora x30,000/ Hero’s Wit x3.
Minigame #1: Immortal Combat
Instead of the x800 total score on the first day, Day 2 introduces the score up to x1200. All the other mechanics related to the game stay the same.
Rewards for x1200: Primogem x30/ Festive Fever x100/ Mora x30,000/ Eight Adept mask: Sage Jian x1.
Minigame #2: Drills by Lamplight
The mechanics for the Drills by Lamplight stay the same as it was on the first day. But now we have access to two more stages with their own unique spin and score listings.
- Drills by Lamplight: Slowing Defense (Stage 3):
- Reach a Score of 7,500/ 45,000/ 150,000
- Enemies: Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl/ Fatui Pyro Agents/ Construction Specialist Mek/ Xuanwen Beast
- Req: You must freeze your opponents, you can use stratagem to destroy the frozen enemies.
- Drills by Lamplight: Chain Reaction (Stage 4):
- Reach a Score of 10,000/ 60,000/ 200,000
- Main Enemies: Eremite – Sunfrost/ Grounded Hydroshroom / Iktomisaurus Warrior – Icy Tidebearer
- Req: Here you must focus on an Electro-Charged AOE attack to deal damage to enemies.
Minigame #3: Custom Gift Envelope
Day 2 brings in more Gift Envelope requests from Dehya and Candace. You will also gain a new set of rewards after completing them. Here we will cover Custom Gift Envelopes No. 3 and 4.
- Custom Gift Envelope No.3
Here Dehya will ask you to add a Pink and Red Motif to the gift envelope.
Rewards: Primogem x30/ Festive Fever x80/ Nagadus Emerald Fragment x3/ Guide to Goldx3
- Custom Gift Envelope No.4
For the fourth envelope, Candace will ask us to add a Green Motif for the envelope.
Rewards: Primogem x30/ Festive Fever x80/ Vajrada Amethyst Fragment x3/ Guide to Prosperity x3
Springtime Charms: Day 3
Now we are hitting the finale of the event, closing everything on Day 3. Here we will encounter two new quests and more stages added to Drills by Lamplight and Custom Gift Envelope. We also going to see the score level for Immortal Combat raised from x1200 to x1600.
- Quest: Qimen Arts and the Rite of Homa, the Spirits are Calmed and Life Restored
- Final Stanza: The Sanctification of Tao Dou
- Immortal Combat – x1600 Score
- Drills by Lamplight– Stages 5 Strike Where it Hurts/ Stage 6 Grand Finale
- Custom Gift Envelope – Stages 5,6, 7
Quest: Qimen Arts and the Rite of Homa, the Spirits are Calmed and Life Restored
Unlock Requirements: Requires the completion of The Funeral Parlor Has No Master, Yujing Terrace Calls the Troops Event Quest.
- First, you need to head over to Yujing Terrace. Here have a conversation with Hu Tao, Lan Yan, and Ningguang. Now tag along with Hu Tao and meet your friends.
- head over to Bubu Pharmacy to meet with Qiqi and Baizhu. Then head over to the docks to meet with Yun Jin, and finally Xiangling at Wanmin Restaurant. Then you need to go to the Funeral Parlor.
- After a long cutscene, follow Paimon until the game triggers another cutscene. You end up inside a domain, here you must follow the Hu Tao Rattan Figure. On the route Figure will get covered with a dark substance or Fetor, here you need to hit the figure for it to move again. Finally, you will end up at the Altar.
- Once at the Altar, you will tasked to interact with things in the area. Then you will gain control over Hu Tao and watch another cutscene.
Once the cutscene with Hu Tao is over, you will end up in a room with Paimon. Head outside to complete the quest.
Rewards: Primogem x30/ Mystic Enhancement Ore x6/ Mora x30,000/ Hero’s Wit x3.
Quest: Final Stanza: The Sanctification of Tao Dou
Unlock Requirement: Completion of Qimen Arts and the Rite of Homa, the Spirits are Calmed and Life Restored event quest.
- After waiting for two days, head over to Wanmin Restaurant to meet with Xiangling. She will ask you to gather in Yilong Wharf in Chenyu Vale.
- Go to Yilong Wharf at night (18:00 to 22:00). The game will trigger a cutscene once you reach the area.
Note: You must arrive at the area at night, day time will not trigger the cutscene.
The ending cutscene will feature Chongyun, Xingqiu, Gaming, Lan Yan, Yun Jin, Ho Tao, Xiao, Yelan, Beidou, Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu, Zhongli, Xianyun, Madame Ping, Moon Carver, and Mountain Shaper Mt. Aocang.
Rewards: Primogem x30/ Mystic Enhacnement Ore x6/ Mora 30,000/ Hero’s Wit x3
Minigame #1 Immortal Combat
Day 3 takes the score for Immortal Combat to x1600. Here you will get rewards for hitting x1400 and lastly x1600.
Rewards for x1600: Primogem x30/ Festive Fever x100/ Mora x30,000/ Eight Adept Mask: Wind Reader x1
Minigame #2 Drills by Lamplight
The last two stages of Drills by Lamplight will bring the pain to the battle. Make sure you are ready for the last two challenges to get the best score you can from the game. Here are the details of the scores, enemies, and the requirements for Stages 5 and 6 for Day 3 of Drills by Lamplight.
Drills by Lamplight: Strike Where it Hurts (Stage 5):
- Reach a Score of 12,500/ 75,000/ 250,000
- Main Enemies: Large Pyro Slime/ Ruin Guard/ Ruin Cruiser/ Eremite – Desert Clearwater/ Eremite – Sword Dancer/ Recon Log Mek/ Assault Specialist Mek/ Eroding Avatar of Lava
- Req: The focus should be on the Normal attack damage to garner points in the stage.
Drills by Lamplight: Grand Finale (Stage 6):
- Reach a Score of 15,000/ 90,000/ 300,000
- Main Enemies: Biting-Cold Wayob Manifestation/ Foliar-Swift Wayob Manifestation/ Eroding Avatar of Lava/ Primordial Bathysmal Vishap – Hatchling
- Req: You will have full freedom to pick the Stratagem of your choice for the battle. Basically bring everything you can to the battle to win.
Minigame #3 Custom Gift Envelope
The last three Gift envelopes are part of Day 3 of the event. Here we handle the last three gift-creating envelope requests from three separate characters.
- Custom Gift Envelope No. 5
For the Fifth envelope, Noelle will ask us about adding a Cloud Motif for her envelope.
Rewards: Primogem x30/ Festive Fever x80/ Vayuda Turquoise Fragment x3/ Guide to Diligence x3
- Custom Gift Envelope No.6
Chevreuse will ask us to add a Blue Motif for the envelope.
Rewards: Primogem x30/ Festive Fever x80/ Shivada Jade Fragment x3/ Guide to Gold x3
- Custom Gift Envelope No.7
Here Paimon will ask us to feature Stars for the envelope.
Rewards: Primogem x30/ Festive Fever x80/ Prithiva Topaz Fragment x3/ Sanctifying Unction x3