7 Days To Die, the zombie survival game is finally out on Steam, PS5 and Xbox Series S/X, and if you are one of those looking to get their hands on this classic survival game, we have put together the best tips to get you through the first few days in the game.
Tip 1 : Early Armour set

An easy way to get your hands on an early armour set that will give you some protection is to craft the Primitive Set, consisting of Gloves, Hood, Outfit and Shoes. All of these require Plant Fibers and Wood; all of which can be obtained in an around the starting area simply by punching Trees and Grass!
Tip 2 : Early Weapon

The next part is to get your hands on a super useful early weapon – the Bow. Get your hands on some bird feathers by punching nests, and pick up stones lying around to craft the Primitive Bow and Stone Arrows. Equip that, and use your Far Cry equivalent skills to sneak around and get extra damage (upto 3.5x) to enemies from a safe distance.
Tip 3 : Cure Infections with Honey

When you engage in melee combat with zombies; you are likely to get infected. An easy way to get this cured is to use a Jar of Honey, which has a chance to drop from Tree stumps around you. If you are infected, you will see the % of infection on the bottom left; and if this continues to build, you will have debuffs that grow worse over time.
Tip 4 : Cooking Pan for Food & Water

Get your hands on a Cooking Pot as quickly as you can, either while exploring or with the vendor in the first camp that you come across. This is incredibly useful as it helps to convert Murky Water into Clean Water. This can be done by placing the Cooking Pot into the Tools slot at the Campfire. The Cooking Pot also helps you convert Raw Meat obtained from killing animals into Charred Meat
Tip 5 : Early Challenges For Quick XP

Complete the first row in the Challenges Menu titled ‘Basics of Survival’. Most of these involve collecting resources and crafting basic tools from these and can be done pretty quickly. These net you valuable XP, but more importantly also unlock the first camp for you. You can click on a particular Challenge and select Track, which will then mark the resources required to be collected for that challenge in and around your environment in the game. Remember to click Redeem to close that Challenge and get the XP rewards.
Tip 6 : Early Fetch Quest from Trader For Your First Gun

What is a survival game without any fetch quest! So get your first one from Trader Rekt, by asking him if he has any Special Jobs, and then selecting Intro Buried Supplies. You can reach him at the White River Citizen Outpost. The location to this unlocks after completing the first set of Challenges mentioned above. Go to the location, get the Supplies and return back to the Trader to net a decent amount of XP, and more importantly – you get to select your first gun! We recommend selecting the Machine Gun Bundle, as it hits at range, and can fire a good number of shots before having to reload.
Tip 7 : Lookout For Perk Books

Perk Books are a great way to get certain unique and super useful abilities and crafting recipes that can make a big difference to your experience in the game. Be on the lookout for Perk Books at Newspaper Dispensers and Bookshelves.
Tip 8 : Hit Everything When Exploring

There are a ton of interesting loot items tucked away behind portraits, exposed walls, grills, panels… so make it a point to hit everything that looks a bit out of place, and chances are you will come across something useful hidden behind it.
And that brings us to the end of useful beginner tips to survive 7 Days To Die. The game is sure to get a new lease of life with a lot of new players, as well as players who have played it on earlier platforms giving the game a shot on Steam or the new -gen consoles; and these tips will go a long way in helping you get through the first few days in the game!