Call of Duty Black Ops 6 brings back the safehouse feature from the previous entry but adds a new twist to it. The safehouse now offers many rewards blueprints, unlocks, and again an achievement. all of these goodies are locked behind good puzzle mechanics. Suffice it to say, that you will not get any of the rewards right away, you will have to solve multiple strings of puzzles to get your trophy. Without further ado, here’s a guide to solving the safehouse puzzles and cracking the safe code.
All Safehouse Puzzles & Solutions In Call Of Duty Black Ops 6
The Safehouse in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 has 6 puzzles to solve. Each one is different and cracking all of them unlocks the safe in the safehouse to net you some pretty decent rewards.
We have listed all the 6 puzzles along with detailed guides to solve them here:
- Puzzle # 1: Boiler Room
- Puzzle #2: Piano Puzzle
- Puzzle #3: Keypad Code
- Puzzle #4: Computer Terminal
- Puzzle #5: Lockpicking
- Puzzle # 6: Radio Puzzle
- Rewards On Solving All Safehouse Puzzles
First Puzzle: Boiler Room

The first puzzle has us fixing a boiler room’s water and fuel compartment.
- Make your way to the basement, and now head to the boiler room.
- To restart the boiler, we will have to read up some notes with a wrench on it.
The note will read:
“This thing is too finicky. Turning on the pilot light with the fuel line fully open isn’t working. Reason Unknown.” The note will then talk about the leak in the boiler preventing the pilot light from starting,
- First, interact with the Boiler valve to turn off the water completely. Look at the meter located below, if it turns 0, the water leaking will completely stop.
- Second, interact with the Fuel valve and turn it halfway off. Don’t completely turn off the value it won’t work. The meter on the left should indicate 50 instead of 0.
- Head to the pilot light to the right of the water valve, Interact with the pilot button in the middle. Here the red light on the left of the pilot light box will turn green.
If it remains red, this means you have messed up with some of the previous steps, repeat them again to turn the light green.
- Now head back to the Boiler valve that we turned to 0, now it’s time to turn the valve again to 100.
If you follow all the steps, the bell will start ringing, indicating that you have finished the first puzzle of the safe room.
Second Puzzle: Piano

We have to play the piano keys in proper order to unlock the hidden door next to it. We have a detailed guide on the Piano puzzle here for you to check out, however if you are just looking to power ahead, the code for the piano is Ми > Рe > Cи > До > Pe.
The door at the end of the stairs will only open if you have completed the boiler room puzzle.
Third Puzzle: Keypad

Use the blacklight to find the correct five-digit code for the keypad.
Take the path through the hidden door next to the piano, go down the stairs, and open the door to reach another section of the safe room. Keep heading straight until you reach a point of intersection, here take the right turn and interact with the keypad next to the door. We will have to use the blacklight to solve this problem.
How To Solve The Keypad Puzzle
Shuffle through the specific numbers until we hit the jackpot. The answer here is random for each player, so it is up to you to figure out the code on your own.
Pay Attention to the fingerprints
Pointing the blacklight at the keypad numbers will reveal the most used numbers on the panel. Some numbers will have the fingerprints on them while others will have no sign of it. Focus on the numbers with fingerprints. Juggle the numbers to fill up a five-digit code. The game will help you keep track of all the used codes you entered before by showing you under the Decryption Log panel.
Watch out for the color indicator
There is a color pattern that helps you pinpoint the code. if the Number on the Decryption Log Panel is in yellow, then the number is somewhere near the final code. If it’s Green, then the number is the final number for the code, but if it’s in Red, the number is the completely wrong one.
Keep shuffling the codes, until one number hits green under the Decryption Log Panel, then you can focus on the rest of the code until they turn green like the previous one. Eventually, you will be left with one number yellow or red, turn it green to solve the puzzle.
Fourth Puzzle: Computer Terminal

Use the table below to convert the numbers in the ‘Code Word’ into the corresponding alphabet, and type it out to solve the Computer Terminal puzzle. In the above case, the number or the ‘Code Word’ to be converted is 862915. In the table at the bottom of the screen, we have B above 8, U above 6, N above 2, and so on. So, the answer here is B-U-N-K-E-R.
This one also is random, so there is no way for us to give you a fixed word to type in and move on, you will need to solve this. However, compared to other ones, it’s fairly easy, just observe the Characters and Code section at the bottom, it will be random in every play session. Then look at the Code Word to figure out the puzzle.
Fifth Puzzle: Lockpicking

Solve the minigame to unlock the door.
Once you have deciphered the code in the computer Terminal, make your way back to the intersection, now turn right. here look at the locked door to your left, next to the door with barricaded wooden planks.
Open it, directly across the room, and you will find another door but this one is locked, here use the lockpick to pick up the door. It’s a small mini-game, if you have played Elder Scrolls, you will be familiar with the lockpick pattern.
Mini-game: All three cylinders are outside of their slot, our job is to put them back into their holes away from covering the main hole in the bottom.
Solution: Look to the right, we will have to align all three cylinders into their respective holes to successfully pick the lock.
Once the door is unlocked, grab the key inside, it will unlock the final puzzle of the saferoom.
Sixth Puzzle: Code To Unlock The Safe

Head inside the unlocked door, you will find a key on the table. With the key in your possession, head back to the hallway intersection, but this time turn right. You will come across a locked door on the left wall.
Unlocking the door will reveal a Signal Detected icon on the top of the screen. Head inside the room and interact with the radio next to the TV.
Solve The First Radio Puzzle
Here we will just have to match two wavelengths to finish the puzzle.
- You will have to match the second wave of the radio to the first wave by adjusting the Amplitude and Frequency. Tuning the Amplitude will adjust the second wave’s height, and Frequency will widen the wave.
Solve The Second Radio Puzzle
Match the object code in a perfect order to get our final code.
The voice on the radio will be Russian, so turn on the Subtitles to get a clue of what is being said and the sequence of objects we will have to mark to get our final safe code.
- Once the wave is in alignment, you will receive a code indicating an object in the room. The code or the dialogue you will hear in your game will be different each time. You will have to listen to the code properly to make the item in the room.
If the dialogue mentions the Lamp first, look at the lamp, and you will see a number written on it, that will be the first number of the code. The codes written on the objects remain the same, but the phrasing from the Radio will always be different. But they are limited in fashion, we listed out all the possible Russian Phases you will hear on the radio and the code to solve them.
Codes | Russian Phrases |
8935 | “It’s not just an ashtray,” Grandfather said. “It’s marked with our ancestral crest.” I sank into the couch, annoyed at his gift. Grandfather leaned forward in his chair. “Be proud of your heritage.” |
5024 | A record played the sounds of a rocket launch. I was disappointed, wanting to see it on film instead. “When you’re older,” my sister said, as she used the iron to press our father’s work clothes. |
4037 | After someone left the iron on the windowsill, the curtain caught fire. The American didn’t notice. He was too busy watching cartoons on television while eating sugar-coated cereal. |
2087 | There was a love letter taped to the chalkboard, which was hidden behind a makeshift curtain. He eyed the woman sitting on the rug as she listened to the sounds of his guitar. |
3196 | He slumped on the couch, his wife’s purse still missing. He noticed the calendar marked with his brother’s birthday, just under the memorial flag. |
7409 | While Uncle played guitar, he watched as I prepared shashlik on the grill. When I asked the day of the rocket launch, he simply nodded toward the calendar. |
1836 | Ivan switched off the lamp by the broom closet, only the glow of the television remaining. He watched proudly as his country’s flag flashed across the screen. |
The code we will get from deciphering the radio puzzle will help us unlock the safe on the second floor. Head to the bedroom by taking the stairs on the first floor, head to the left, and you will find the Safe next to the bed.
Use the Safe Code from the Radio Room Puzzle to open it. That’s it now you have completed the Crack the Saferoom Safe in Call of Duty Black Ops 6.
Rewards For Cracking The Safe
Here is the list of rewards you will unlock after completing the objective.
- $1000 in-game cash
- Achievement – “The Puzzles, Mason”
- Melee Weapon Blueprint “Case Cracker“