Ahoy Maty, ready to plunder some pirate chest in Black Ops 6? The Terminus island holds many hidden secrets and weapons inside it. Each has its twist that could benefit you and also put you at risk. The Treasure Hunter trophy in Black Ops 6 is tied to a pirate chest. The Cursed Talisman inside the chest rewards us with an amazing ability, something you don’t want to miss in Terminus. Our guide will take you through all the steps to acquire Cursed Talisman and achieve the Treasure Hunter Trophy.
How To Unlock The Treasure Hunter Trophy In BO6
The Treasure Hunter trophy unlocks on getting the Cursed Talisman on Crab Island as part of the dead Captain Skeleton’s series of requests. Before you can do that, he will have you find a watch, and get three cursed coins. So let’s go through this step by step, starting with the location of the sea cave where this quest begins.
Break The Wall At Sea Cave

Requirement: First, you need to make your way to the Bio Lab through the cave, here activate the Melee Macchiato Pack-a-Cola machine on the second-floor front of morgue lockers.
After activating the Melee Macchiato machine head to the sea caves, and go behind the Speed Colas perk machine in the cave, Here look for a half-open cave wall with moonlight coming through it, next to the yellow lights. Break the wall to start our quest.
Find The Watch Item
A dialogue will soon be heard from the dead Captain Skeleton. The dialogue will end with a marking on the map next to the treasure box. The spot here will be random for each player. However, the mark will always point to one of the islands in Terminus.
Cross-reference the X mark on the captain map to the in-game map, to pinpoint the exact location. Take the boat to the location. If you are confused, just look at the map via the options screen to confirm the spot.
When you arrive at the location, you will find the Watch underwater. The item will have a glowing light coming out of it. Since the Terminus map takes place at night, you will have an easier time grabbing the watch. Once you have the Watch in your possession, head back to the Sea cave and interact with the captain.
Grab Three Cursed Coins

Requirement: The next part of the mission requires us to have three Molotov cocktails. You can either obtain the Molotov by killing zombies or by spending 350 Salvage at a crafting table.
The next objective the captain asks us to do is to burn down the remains of three skeletons located on three different islands around Terminus. Again, cross-reference the in-game map with the X marks on the map next to the skeleton. Unlike the previous objective, here we have three specific islands marked on the map, with no randomness involved.
#1 Shipwreck Cursed Coin
Head west of Terminus Island, to get to the Shipwreck. You will find a skeleton lying in the center, next to a red cargo container. Throw a Molotov at the skeleton to spawn a monster. Kill the monster to retrieve our first Cursed Coin.
Note: The type of monster spawn here will be random. This goes for all Cursed Coin Locations in Terminus.
#2 Castle Rock Island Cursed Coin
Head east of Terminus to get to the Castle Rock Island. Move right to the Gobblegum machine, you will spot a lamp on the ground next to a generator. Just throw the Molotov right of the lamp on the ground to burn the skeleton. It will spawn a monster, and kill him to recover the second Cursed Coin.
#3 Temple Island Cursed Coin
Head Northwest of Terminus Island, find the stairs on the island, and you will see a half-buried skeleton on the ground. Again the same technique, throw the Molotov to spawn the monster, and kill the enemy to recover the third last Cursed Coin.
After obtaining three Cursed Coins head back to the Sea Cave pirate captain. Here hand over all three Cursed Coins, you will get immediately rewarded with tons of Legendary Weapons and many weapon attachments. All of them are random for each player.
Get The Cursed Talisman

After handing away many legendary weapons the captain has one last request for us. Here take a look at the map next to the captain to spot the last red cross on the map. The cross points us to the south end of the map, specifically to Crab Island.
Head To Crab Island
Here our objective is to survive three enemy waves on the island, make sure to bring your Co-Op partner if things turn hairy for a moment. Once you made it through all three levels, you will see a Golden Chest next to the ammo crate. Interact with the chest to obtain the Cursed Talisman.
Trophy Unlocked: The game will unlock the Treasure Hunter achievement after you pick up the Cursed Talisman.
What Does The Cursed Talisman Do In Black Ops 6?
You will earn double points for each kill.
You will receive double the amount of points after killing a zombie. However, if you do take damage while raking up double points, you will lose some portion of the points you earned. Here you also have the choice to return the Talisman to the treasure chest to lose the effect of the talisman or start a new game.