Nothing can help you as much as a good gun can in Stalker 2. While you throw bolts to fend off the anomalies, the gun is the only solution that works well against humans and monsters in the brutal land of the Zone. Here is the guide to obtain all the Unique Weapons hiding in the world of Stalker 2. While obtaining some of them will be easy others will require you to finish some side quests, or to buy the special edition of the game.
List Of All Unique Weapons In Stalker 2

Most of the weapons on the list are tied to the main quest, side quest, or deluxe version of the game. If you want to get your hands on all the Unique Weapons in the game, then you must own the Deluxe edition of the game. We have added details on these guns to separate them from those that can be obtained as part of the base game.
Unique Weapons From Deluxe Edition
Acquiring the Deluxe version allows you to gain access to a special quest titled Journalist’s Stash. There are 12 such locations spread across the Zone. While some of these give you armor, others will be a firearm you don’t want to miss. You must acquire a flash drive from your stash after you start the “Seek and You Shall Find“ side quest.
Unique Weapons From Stalker 2 Endings
Another major factor in the unique weapons is the endings to the game. If you have an ending in mind, then you will miss out on some of the gears in the game. The ending you decide to roll with will impact the accessibility of the unique weapons in the game. We have added the information on the ending Unique Weapon details right at the very end of the article for people who are not afraid of spoilers.
Here are the details of all the Unique Weapons in Stalker 2: We have categorized them by area to make it easier to find:
- Lesser Zone
- Garbage
- Cooling Towers
- Cordon
- Rostok
- Swamps
- Jupiter
- Cement Factory
- Malachite
- Chemical Plant
- Wild Island
- Zaton
- Red Forest
- Prypiat
- Yaniv
- Duga
- Ending Unique Weapons (Spoilers!)
Lesser Zone
#1. Valik Lummox’s AKM-74S

Quest: Warlock’s Debtor
Weight: 3.63Kg
Worth: 10500K
Where to Find: Found in the water towers during the Warlock’s Debtor quest, when the objective tells you to “Get Valik’s loot from the Water Tower.” You will find the Water Tower outside the building. Climb onto the tower, and on the top, you will find a bag, search the bag to obtain this weapon. You can refer to our detailed guide on this here.
#2. Unknown Stalkers’ AR416

Quest: The Poppy Fields Quest
Weight: 5.06 KG
You must finish the quest “The Poppy Fields” quest for this. In the end, you must give the ward sensor to Pomor to obtain the unique weapon here. Anyone can easily miss this one, as there are two choices to end the quest, we have a guide up to help you find the proper direction to end the quest with the weapon in your hand.
#3. Partner
Quest: On the Edge
Weight: 4.10 KG
Worth:33, 400K
A mission from Warlock as he will hand you a task to retrieve his gun from the houses. Here, once we find the weapon, we must keep it to ourselves instead of giving it away to finish the quest. The mission takes place right after you defend Zalissya from Monolith.
#4. PTM Monolith
Quest: Journalist’s Stash
Weight: 0.5 KG
Worth: 3,00K
- Head to the Journalist’s Stash location southeast of the Zalissya. Here, look for a house next to a blue truck.
- Climb on the truck and then the rooftops of the house, drop down a ledge on the side, go through the window and inside you will find the chest, loot it to grab the PTM Monolith pistol.
#5. Viper Monolith
Quest: Journalist’s Stash
Weight: 2.5 KG
Worth: 7,00K
- Head to the building northeast of the Zalissya, down by the river. Stick to the river area and you will find the ladder to climb the building.
- If you get to the corner on the right end, you will come across another ladder to climb down. Climb down the ladder, and you will find the Stash on a rooftop a few meters away from it.
#6. Drowned

Worth: 18,310K
Weight: 5.18 KG
- You will find the NPC at the bridge on the way to Slag Heap, he will start talking about the gun he dropped from the bridge.
- Jump over the barricade and you will find the gun lying on the ground next to the water. Just grab it, it’s yours to keep.
#7. Spitter (S-2 SMG)
Quest: A Big Score
Worth: 2.6KG
Weight: 23,200 K
Head to Slag Heap in Garbage, here you will get a side quest titled A Big Score. The objective of the quest is to kill Leva Borzoi. Once you deal with him, you will find the Spitter Unique Weapon on his corpse.
#8. Shah’s Mate (Viper-5 SMG)

Quest: No Honor Among Thieves
Worth: 9400K
Weight: 2.65 Kg
We will find the weapon in a tunnel located north of Garbage. Get inside the Tunnel under the railway, in the middle of the tunnel, turn to your left. Here you will find the weapon in a bag in front of a hole in the wall.
#9. M860 Shotgun Monolith
Quest: Journalist’s Stash
Weight: 2.5 KG
Worth: 700K
Head south of Garbage. Look for a busted minibus engulfed in nature and rust. You will find the minibus in the middle of the waste. Head inside, and you will find the stash in the middle. Loot the stash to get to the M860 Shotgun Monolith.
#10. Combatant (AKM-74S)

Quest: Back To Slag Heap
When you meet Col. Korshunov in the Slag Heap main mission, you will get the Combatant weapon if you hand over the Unusual PDA to him. If you decide to keep the PDA to yourself, then you will miss out on the weapon.
Cooling Towers
#11. Grom-S15

Worth: 18290K
Weight: 4.42 KG
If you head southwest of the SKD assembly unit, you will come across a pit filled with fire anomalies. Construction equipment nearby will help serve as a cue to the right area. Go down the pit, and you will find the Unique weapon Grom-S15 lying on the ground.
#12. Special
Weight: 6.0KG
Worth: 23,500K
Head over to Mill located north of Rookie Village. You will come across a small rundown house on the top of a steel platform. Take the stairs to get inside the room, you will find the weapon in a corpse just lying on the walkway.
#13. Glutton

Weight: 14.56KG
Worth: 100864K
Located north of the underpass exit, west of Rostok Base. Get inside the tunnel, reach the end, and pull down the lever on the right, next to the two NPCs sitting on the walkway. This opens up the locked door on the second floor. Take the stairs inside to get to the second floor to find the Glutton among many other items on a desk.
#14. Merc

Quest: An Invisible Threat
Worth: 24,446K
Weight: 4.4KG
When you finish the main mission An Invisible Threat, head across the room, you will find the gun in a duffle bag sitting on a shelf.
#15. Sledgehammer
Weight: 5.2 KG
Worth: 30500K
Finish the arena in Rostok, and make it through the finale of the arena to get the Sledgehammer Unique Weapon.
Head to Rostok Base, once inside the base look for a building with ARENA written in red bulbs. Head inside, and make it to the finale by defeating the Tyrant.
Note: You might experience bugs when you make it to round 4 of the arena. If you experience the bug again, wait for the patch or try reloading the game.
#16. Reimann

Quest: Journalist Stash
Another fantastic gun hidden in Rostok, we have a guide to help you get to the precise location of the weapon so you can get it easily without too much hassle on your end.
#17. Veteran
Quest: Journalist’s Stash
Head north of the swamp, right at the edge of the border to Backwater. Here get to the Abandoned Farmstead, and make your way to the roof by bit of platforming, and break the wooden planks to get inside the attic. And you will find the stash with the Veteran sniper rifle.
#18. Deadeye
Quest: Ad Astra per aspera
Weight: 0.92KG
Worth: 2925K
Complete the story mission “Ad Astra per Aspera” to obtain the Deadeye automatically.
#19. Texan

Weight: 6.2 KG
Worth: 80,600K
Head to the Abandoned Science Campus located northeast of the area. The weapon we are looking for will be a southwest building of the campus. Head inside, and you will find the weapon on the desk in the large room in the building.
Cement Factory
#20. Decider

Quest: Uninvited Guest
You will get the side quest in the northeast of Concrete Forest. Where your task will be to retrieve the gun in the underground area underneath the Concrete Forest. You will face a Burer in the underground area, so prepare for a rough battle.
Here you will get the weapon Decider, Mytryk Genius’ Gun, you can decide to keep it yourself. When you first get your hands on the gun, it will not be at its full potential, so you must repair it to make it work.
Bug Alert: Many players have also reported not seeing the gun in the underground region. So if that is your case, wait for a patch or reload the previous save.
#21. Gangster
Quest: A Minor Incident
On the main quest” A Minor Incident“, you will find the Gangster weapon on a desk inside the tunnel.
Chemical Plant
#22. Trophy

Weight: 2.98KG
Worth: 30,620K
Head to the West of Army Warehouses, here you will find a dead body next to the structure, toss a grenade inside the structure, and it will blow up two other structures in the same arena. One of the destroyed structures will have a stash inside, open it to obtain the Trophy weapon.
#23. Spitfire
Quest: In Search of Past Glory
Weight: 3.14 KG
Worth: 12880K
During the mission, at the sewer level, go through the crack in the wall and then turn right. Then head left from the dead corpse on the ground. Pass the doorway, and go through the tunnel on the right, here you’ll find a ladder. Climb it to get to the top and then take the door on the right. You will find the Spitfire gun on a desk next to a bed.
#24. Lullaby
Quest: Journalist’s Stash
Head south of the Chemical Plant to a place called Army Warehouse. We will find our gun south of the warehouse. Get on the truck and go through the window on the building to your right. Then turn left. You will find the stash next to the busted wall on your left.
Wild Island
#25. Lynx
Quest: Hot on the Trail
Worth: 25,500K
Weight:4.9 KG
You will obtain the weapon Lynx, a high-damage sniper rifle at the end of the “Hot on the Trail “main quest. It’s not a missable item, since it is given by Strider after the mission completion.

Weight: 5.26KG
Worth: 42150K
The weapon is located in the northwestern region of the area. Head to the building southeast of the Railway Maintenance Facility. It is the building near the gate, head inside and pass the van, then go through the doorway on the left, you will find the gun on a crate next to the shelf on the left wall.
#27. Sniper AR 416
Quest: Three Captain side quest
Weight: 4.66KG
Worth: 54,250K
You will get the quest from Sonya in Skadovsk. Travel to Sniper’s Nest. Take the ladder to reach the upper floor of the nest and get inside. You will find the sniper rifle next to the open window.
#28. Predator

Weight: 3.2KG
East of the Railway Maintenance Facility, head inside a building with a slanted roof, you will find this unusual building at the east of the village named Izumrudne. The only way into the building is by heading through the hole in the ceiling. Here you will find the Predator unique gun.
Note: Unfortunately many players have reported not seeing the gun in their game, if that is your case then you will have to wait for the patch to fix the bug or you can always try reloading from a checkpoint.
Red Forest
#29. Rat Killer

Quest: An Act of Mercy Main Mission
Weight: 2.9 KG
Worth: 35,800
When you pick up the Regenerator during the mission, head through the doorway behind the Regenerator storage location. Then turn left, here you will find the Rat Killer on the steel floor behind the religious wooden altar.
#30. Whip
Quest: An Act of Mercy Main Mission
Worth: 4.64 Kg
Weight: 27,380K
During the last objective of the quest “An Act of Mercy“, you will head to the doctor’s house. Here you will find the gun on the table near the house’s windows.
#31. Gauss Gun
Weight: 7.26 KG
Worth: 112, 000K
Here head to the Prometheus Movie Theatre. We have a detailed guide navigating through the theater to find the Gauss Gun and every detail about the gun to give you a clear understanding of how powerful this thing is in the game.
#32. Model Competitor
Quest: Journalist Stash
Head to the east of Yaniv Station, and make your way to the railyard. Interact with the padlock on the containers, you can either use melee or shoot the lock to get the door open. Get inside, and you will find the Revolver in the stash next to the duffle bag.
#33. SA-U Gabion
Quest: Journalist Stash
Head inside the Arms Depot, lure the mutant, and turn the generator near the end of the building. Then press the power button on the second floor of the building, this will release the cell gate, head inside and you will find the Journalist Stash.
Ending Unique Weapons

Here we are going to take a look at all the weapons that are tied to specific quests, which will involve the mission names and the character’s demise. Here we are heading toward the spoiler territory, be warned!
#34. EM-1 (Unique Gauss Gun)
Quest: The Last Step
Worth: 160384K
Weight: 9.62 Kg
During the mission “The Last Step“, you will find this weapon after defeating Scar.
Note: Going for either Ward or Spark ending will help you acquire this gun. Basically, we must side with Colnol Korshunov.
#35. The Beast
Quest: Down Below
Worth: 69044K
Weight: 11.7 KG
When you defeat Korshunov and his troops, you can recover this weapon from his dead body. You can also find a weapon titled Encourage off the dead body but it is currently bugged for a lot of people.
Note: Here we heading for Strelok or Kaimanov/Skif Ending. Instead of Colnol Korshunov, we will side with Richter.
#36. Stonyk
Quest: Down Below
You must finish the Down Below mission to grab the gun off the desk.
Note: We must choose either Strelok or Kaimanov/Skif Ending. Instead of Colnol Korshunov, we will side with Richter.
#37. Labyrinth IV
Quest: The Last Wish
You will find the gun in the doctor’s vault. But to make it all work, you must not shoot the doctor at the end. Lower your gun to get to his basement and recover this gun.
Note: The gun is part of the Strelok or Kaimanov/Skif Ending. Instead of Col Korshunov, we will side with Richter.
Note: Cavalier, we haven’t encountered the gun in the zone yet, but we will update the article once we get a sniff of the weapon in the game.