Space Marine 2 has some intense, brutal fights across its missions – be it in Campaign or Operations mode, and the game does not shy away from throwing hordes and hordes of enemies at you. While as a Space Marine, and with the arsenal at your disposal, you can eventually destroy them and emerge victorious; it does help to know what you are going to be up against. And in this guide, we have done precisely that – by listing all enemies in Space Marine 2 that you will be taking the fight to.
All Tyranids In Space Marine 2

These make up the majority numbers in any attack by Tyranids, and will be the earliest enemy type that you come across. Individual Termagants are little more than target practice for the Space Marine, but it is the sheer nos. of Termagants that can make the battle chaotic.
Another Tyranid enemy that attacks and attempts to overwhelm through sheer numbers rather than an individual threat, what makes them a bit different from Termagants are their leap attacks. This also gives the Space Marine an opportunity to parry and deliver killing blows.
Tyranid Warriors
The first enemy type that can possibly be a challenge to the Space Marine, the Tyranid Warriors are part of the hive mind, and within this enemy type also there are variations depending upon the type of weapon that they wield. While most carry a melee weapon, there are some that also attempt to get you from the comfort of a ranged distance. The different Tyranid Warrior types are Tyranid Warrior with Bone Sword, with Barbed Strangler, with Devourer, with Venom Cannon and with Lash Whip.
A more irritating variant of the Tyranids, this one has the ability to bore underground and attack from below, and this makes tracking them when being swarmed by other Tyranids a problem. And just for that, it is recommended to get them out of the way as early as possible in a battle and then fully focus on all enemies above the ground and visible at all times.
The first boss that you will come across in the Kadaku sector during the Severance mission; it will keep leaping from tree to tree, and tracking this enemy is critical in avoiding damage from its attacks; which are also quick leaps and lunges that you must time perfectly to dodge. You will encounter them in later missions as regular enemies.
Spore Mines
Again more of an irritant as they have a tendency to explode near you to cause a poison explosion, it is best to take them out with a ranged weapon before they come anywhere close to you.
Ripper Swarms
Ripper Swarms consume anything that they run across – be it dead Tyranids or Space Marines. When the time comes to face these, you will have a Flamethrower as part of the game, and with good reason. This weapon works especially well against these tiny but lethal monsters.
The Gargoyles thankfully will not be part of the various enemy types thrown at you, but you will deal with them during certain mission set-pieces; with the scenario being that they have invaded a comms tower which you need to protect. Any Bolt Rifle weapon type works well, the one with grenades works best to take them out.
These are sky-borne enemies that are protected with a shield barrier and also buff up nearby Tyranids. You will come across them in all the early missions on Kadaku, and are best taken out through ranged weapons. While tactically it makes sense to prioritize and take them out first, the better thing to do is to keep switching between the ground attack forces and the Zoanthropes; and patiently whittling down its health.

The boss version of Zoanthrope that you will come across in Servant of the Machine mission of the main campaign, the Neurothrope will have several additional moves, including devastating AOE ones as well. Use the area well to take cover and collect ammo periodically, and when it descends within melee range, don’t hesitate to quickly land some high damage melee attacks.
One of the most challenging enemies that the Space Marine will encounter, the Carnifex fight will happen during the Machinus Divinitus and Voidsong. It can do some major damage with its claw attacks, but thankfully they are a bit choreographed and can be avoided with some practice. It is best to stay at ranged distance while dealing with this enemy. If you are a melee-focused class, land 2-3 hits after each move, and then move out of the claws range.
Hive Tyrant
Hive Tyrants are the ultimate apex Tyranid enemy, and defeating them will take all the skill and arsenal at your disposal. You will encounter them in Operation missions later in the game. The Grapnel Launcher works great to dish out some major damage and take some in return particularly once you have whittled down the health to half.
All Chaos Enemies In Space Marine 2

The first Chaos enemies that you will encounter in the fourth mission of the main campaign, they are the equivalent of the regular Termagants, except that they throw grenades at you. Some of them come equipped with a Sniper as well.
Tzangors were once human, but have now mutated into a demon-like form due to their worship of the God Tzeentch. They don’t pose much of a challenge and can be considered equivalent to the Hormagaunt enemy type in Terminids – they even do leap attacks like the Hormagaunts. The Tzaangors come equipped with a shield.
Rubric Marines
Rubric Marines come with the armor of a marine, but without the damage dealing ability. They can teleport over small distances, and come equipped with a either a Warpfire Bolter or a Warpflamer. The ones equipped with the ranged Bolter can be tough to deal with, however their attacks are telegraphed and can be dodged once you understand the pattern.
Exalted Sorcerers
The Exalted Sorcerers kind of float above the ground, and have a slow but powerful beam attack. They can resurrect dead Rubric Marines, and their role again is similar to the Zoanthropes. You will first come across these in the Servant of the Machine mission.
Scarab Occult Terminators
These are elite class enemies, and come equipped either with a ranged Soulreaper or a melee Powersword. Both possess a challenge in their own style – the ranged ones with their missile launches in addition to a hail of bullets, and the melee ones with fast combos and movesets.
You will come across a Hellbrute in the Demerium set of missions, and these are former Dreadnaughts who have been preserved in a state of undeath with the powers of Chaos. Needless to say, they are tough enemies with devastating plasma cannon attacks, AOE attacks and teleport + melee attack combos.
The Heldrake fight will involve you invoking the seals in the correct order to take shots at the enemy, and taking cover behind the pillars when it unleashes its fire barrage. There will be some enemy spawns – essentially opportunities for you to perform kills and recharge armor; although as the fight progresses, there will be elite enemies that spawn as well. This will be a fight of attrition as you gradually whittle down the health bar of the Heldrake, doing minimal damage to yourself, and using the enemy hordes to keep your armor intact.
The final boss fight with the Exalted Sorcerer Imureh will have him attack you with quick teleports across the battlefield, staff attacks with an insane range, and just being a pain all around. But then, you wouldn’t expect anything less from an end game fight for a game that has been as intense and chaotic as Space Marine 2!
Now that you know the enemies you will be facing, you may want to check out all the weapons in Space Marine 2, and the best Assault build and the best Vanguard build in Space Marine 2.