The land of Stalker 2 is rough and brutal, filled with anomalies and enemies that would love to end your life from far away. Strengthening the armor is the only way to survive the desolated world of the Zone and make it out alive to tell the glorious tale of your journey. Brummbar Exoskeleton is one of the best armor in the game, and getting all the Blueprints will only make it better. Here we have put up for you all the blueprints for the Brummbar Exoskeleton.
All Brummbar Exoskeleton Blueprints Locations In Stalker 2

The Brummbar Exoskeleton has 4 Blueprints:
Thankfully almost all of them are easy to obtain. We have added the details of the location and the landmarks for each of them in detail below
Brummbar Blueprint #1: Elimination System

Location: South of Jupiter
Type: Poisonous Substances
What to do: We will find the Brummbar Blueprint: Elimination System inside a locked room in the Bread Factory. The key for the lock is sitting on the rooftops of the factory. First, we loot the key, then go for the blueprint.
- Time to head to the Bread Factory down at Jupiter. Time makes around the northeast side of the building. Here, get on the platform by jumping on the ladder from the crate next to the basement doors. Now take another ladder to your right to get on the rooftops.
- Kill all the enemies, then make your way to the Building Sign, Here you will find a corpse lying on the wall, and loot all the items. If you look at the floor left of the corpse, just right under the building sign, you will spot a Yellow Key.
- Now with the key in hand, get inside the Bread Factory. Turn left from the entrance, and then right. After passing the doorway, you will spot a white door to your right. The door is locked, use the Yellow Key we grabbed earlier to open it.
In the room, you will find a safe around the corner amongst other various loot. Inside the safe, you will find the Brummbar Blueprint: Elimination System.
Brummbar Blueprint #2: All-Titanium Components

Location: Northeast of Yaniv
What to do: Break the padlock on a door and loot the blueprint of a duffle bag.
- Head to the location Klyvyny Waypoint located northeastern region of Yaniv. Once you are in the spot, move to the building east of the Klyvyny Waypoint.
- The access to the room is blocked by a locked door. Head to the left side of the room, and you will see the padlock on the door through the steel-barricaded window. Shoot the padlock with your gun to break the door’s lock and gain access inside.
- When you open the door, it will only half-open since it is blocked by the crates. Use your gun to break the crates to fully open the door. You will find the duffle bag containing the blueprint next to the lockers in the right side of the room
Brummbar Blueprint #3: Hydraulic Amplifiers For Servos

Location: Northeast of Prypiat
What to do: We just have to grab the blueprint from a bag next to the giant statue of Prometheus.
- Head to the southeast of the Prometheus Movie Theater down in Prypiat. You will come across a giant statue of Prometheus, here on the left leg of Prometheus you will spot a bag lying next to it.
- Inside you will find the Brummbar Blueprint: Hydraulic Amplifiers.
Brummbar Blueprint #4: Protective Coating

Location: Northeast of Prypiat, north of Prometheus Movie Theater
What to do: We will find the blueprint inside a bag underneath a bridge around City Park.
- Here we will go to City Park directly north of Prometheus Movie Theater. Now we move to the bridge located southwest of the City Park. The bridge is outside the circle zone around the park.
- Head underneath the bridge, here you will find a bag on the right. Loot the bag to recover the Brummbar Blueprint Protective Coating.