An improved version of Cell, Cell Max makes a return in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero as the newest contender. You have to be prepared for the strongest battle in the game against Cell Max. Once you reach the Games are Underway in the newest What Ifs storyline, you will come face to face with Cell Max. Once you get Cell Max added to your roster, you can utilize his abilities to win tournaments. In this guide we give you a rundown of all of Cell Max’s abilities, how to play, and how to defeat Cell Max in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
All Cell Max Character Skills & Strategy Guide

Cell Max’s kit offers some pretty powerful moves and most of them are ranged attacks. These can keep your enemies at arm’s length while you power up Cell Max’s attacks to release his ultimates.
Combo Attack
Cell Max’s combo attacks are a bit different from other characters in the game. You will find that you can either use the Melee key or the Perception key alongside the Ki command for all the attacks. Using the Melee key will give you a higher attack while the Perception key will give you a lower attack.
Attack | Description | Key Command |
Ki Burst | Cell Max releases a circular pulse that will push all nearby enemies away | Melee/Perception + Ki |
Backhand | Spins the enemy around, making it impossible to defend themselves. | 2x Melee/2x Perception + Ki |
Gut Punch | Stuns enemies using quick attacks. Stunned enemies cannot counter follow up attacks. | 3x Melee/3x Perception + Ki |
Special Moves
Attack | Description | Key Command | Cost |
Explosive Wave | Creates a shockwave that knocks down opponents. | RT/R2 + D-pad up | 2 Skill Points |
Howl | Gives Cell Max an immense buff on damage output and defense while also entering Sparking Mode. | RT/R2 + D-pad left | 4 Skill Points |
Max Cannon | Charges and creates an energy blast that deals moderate damage. | RT/R2 + Melee button | 3 Ki Gauge |
Mighty Fist | Creates a strike attack that deals moderate damage and creates knockback. | RT/R2 + Ki button | 4 Ki Gauge |
Max Bomb | Charges and creates a powerful energy ball that has a huge AoE and deals major damage when hit. | RT/R2 + Perception button | Sparking Mode |
How To Play Cell Max

Cell Max is considered a giant character, so opponents will have a hard time trying to grab him or even get close enough for melee attacks. His kit includes several blast attacks and beams that create a lot of knockback, making it difficult to get up close to Cell Max. His moveset offers high damage and he also has high Ki, so performing Ki attacks will be a piece of cake. The only downside to using Cell Max is that you have to compromise on his speed, as he is rather slow in combat.
As soon as the battle starts, use Cell Max’s Howl ability to enter Sparking Mode and get damage buffs. If you think you will be interrupted before you can reach your full potential, then start with any of the combo moves to stun or knock back your enemies. Once you have your buffs, you can perform Max Bomb from the get go, or use Max Cannon once your enemies are launched in the air. So, the main takeaway is to use your combo attacks first, then follow up with any of the special attacks.
How To Beat Cell Max

Cell Max also appears as a boss in the new What Ifs storyline. For the fight, Avoid using characters that offer Rush attacks, as these will be obsolete against Cell Max. Rather, get characters that are compatible against giants, like Beast Gohan, Super Buu, Master UI Goku, SSJ4 Vegeta, or SSJ4 Goku. These characters offer unblockable supers and ultimates, making the fight way easier. You can also add Gamma 2 to your team, as his ultimate can weaken Cell Max’s defense.
Instinctively, during the fight, you might block Cell Max’s special attacks. While they can be blocked to some extent, you will still be dealt damage. It is best not to bother much with melee combat, and use any ranged attack to give yourself some distance. Use attacks that will weaken Cell Max first, then go against him with any special or ultimate attack that will keep some distance between you and him. You can also just spam Kamehameha to get the fight over with and complete the fight.
With all new characters added to the Sparking! Zero DLC, you might be on a lookout for character guides. We have a compiled guide on Gohan (Super Hero) that you can check out to know more.