Dragon Ball Sparking Zero’s newest Hero of Justice DLC brings a whole new story arc with new characters included in the roster. While you do get to play as Gohan in the initial release, you can get an indepth look of all of his skills and abilities as Gohan (Super Hero). There are four new characters that fall under this including Gohan (Super Hero), and in this guide we will detail all of Gohan (Super Hero)’s ultimates, skills, and how to play in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.
All Gohan (Super Hero) Character Skills and Strategy Guide

Gohan (Super Hero) is just as powerful as his other previously released avatars, and with the right skill sets, you can set him up for a power play in the new DLC. Below are all of Gohan (Super Hero) abilities and how to play him in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero.
Combo Attack
Attack | Description | Key Input |
Bicycle Kick | Deals moderate damage using kicks at quick succession. | Melee + Ki |
Gut Punch | Stuns enemies using quick attacks. Stunned enemies cannot counter follow up attacks. | 2x Melee + Ki/ 4x Melee + Ki |
Knock Back Blast | Pushes enemies away by releasing a blast. | 3x Melee + Ki |
Special Moves
Attack | Description | Key Input | Cost |
Afterimage | Dodges the opponent’s first attack automatically | R2/RT + D-pad up | 2 Skill Point |
Full-Power Charge | Restores Ki gauges to the max | R2/RT + D-pad left | 2 Skill Point |
Masenko | Fires a beam that can track and deal moderate damage. | R2/RT + Melee button | 3 Ki Gauges |
High-Speed Rush | Rush at the opponent and launch them away, dealing moderate damage. | R2/RT + Ki button | 3 Ki Gauges |
Super Kamehameha | Charges a high damaging beam attack. | R2/RT + Perception button | Sparking mode |
How to Play Gohan (Super Hero)
Gohan’s (Super Hero) kit is quite packed with a lot of offensive moves as well as moves that help in strategizing your next move. Each time you use the Full Power Charge, you can restore your Ki Gauge to max, which is handy if you want to use your attacks quicker. The rest of Gohan (Super Hero)’s skill set involves moderate to high damaging moves like Super Kamehameha, Masenko, and High Speed Rush. You can follow these up with combo attacks to deal more damage to your opponent.
You can also defend yourself using Afterimage, which makes playing Gohan (Super Hero) quite easy to do.You might have to keep an eye on your Ki Gauge while performing some of these moves. Luckily, some moves require skill points, which is easy to use and will keep your opponent on their toes. Focus on filling up your Ki Gauge with Full Power Charge to use your other attacks and win the match.
All Gohan (Super Hero) Super Saiyan Character Skills and Strategy Guide

You can now boost up Gohan (Super Hero) to his next form, Gohan (Super Hero) Super Saiyan. You will get a different set of skills that can be a bit more challenging to master.
Special Moves
Attack | Description | Key Input | Cost |
Explosive Wave | Creates a shockwave that knocks down opponents. | RT/R2 + D-pad up | 2 Skill Point |
Explosive Ray | Deploys a beam that deals moderate damage. | R2/RT + Melee button | 3 Ki Gauges |
Explosive Kick | Rushes at and damages the opponent moderately while slamming them to the ground. | R2/RT + Ki button | 3 Ki Gauges |
Full-Power Charge | Restores Ki gauges to the max. | R2/RT + D-pad left | 2 Skill Point |
Super Kamehameha | Charges a high damaging beam attack. | R2/RT + Perception button | Sparking mode |
How to Play Gohan (Super Hero) Super Saiyan
The combo attacks remain the same for all of Gohan (Super Hero)’s forms. But you will see a slight change in Super Saiyan, as there are a handful of explosive attacks to learn from this kit. For one, the Explosive Wave can create a shockwave around Gohan that can push enemies aside and dispels any offensive attack that they were planning to use.
This can give you some time to recover and plan your next attack. Or you can follow that up with Explosive Kick if you have any Ki left over. Complete the attack with combos to deal additional damage. You can alternate this with either the Explosive Ray or the Super Kamehameha, depending on what sort of damage you wish to deal.
All Ultimate Gohan (Super Hero) Character Skills and Strategy Guide

Combo Attacks
Attack | Description | Key Input |
Bicycle Kick | Deals moderate damage using kicks at quick succession. | Melee + Ki |
Knock Back Blast | Pushes enemies away by releasing a blast. | 2x Melee + Ki |
Spin Kick | Spins the enemy around, making it impossible to defend themselves. | 3x Melee + Ki |
Gut Punch | Stuns enemies using quick attacks. Stunned enemies cannot counter follow up attacks. | 4x Melee + Ki |
Special Moves
Attack | Description | Key Input | Cost |
Wild Sense | Dodges the enemy’s first melee attack automatically, then Gohan immediately proceeds with a counter attack. | RT/R2 + D-pad up | 2 Skill Point |
The Power To Rise Again | Boosts damage output for a limited time. | R2/RT + D-pad left | 2 Skill Point |
Explosive Bullet | Fires a damaging beam behind the opponent and deals moderate damage. | R2/RT + Melee button | 3 Ki Gauges |
Super Explosive Rush | Rushes at and damages the opponent extremely while slamming them to the ground. | R2/RT + Ki button | 3 Ki Gauges |
Explosive Onslaught | Rushes at the opponent and pushes them away with force, followed by firing a high damaging beam at the target. | R2/RT + Perception button | Sparking mode |
How to Play Ultimate Gohan (Super Hero)
While you can see some similarities between the previous Gohan (Super Hero) kits, you will find that Ultimate Gohan has a few tweaks and changes. The kit involves a lot more power moves, and there is a variation in the combo attacks as well. You will get an additional Spin Kick attack to disorient the enemy and help you land some quick attacks. Even when it comes to the special moves, you will realize that there is no Full Power Charge, so you need to handle your attacks that utilize Ki more efficiently.
With that said, you will find Ultimate Gohan (Super Hero)’s attacks more powerful, and you can further increase your damage output with The Power to Rise Again. His attacks will also be quicker, as he can automatically deal counter attacks after performing a move. You need to focus more on utilizing your Skill Points here, and only use Ki skills when required.
All Gohan Beast Character Skills and Strategy Guide

Special Moves
Attack | Description | Key Input | Cost |
Beast Sense | Dodges the enemy’s first melee attack automatically, then Gohan immediately proceeds with a counter attack. | RT/R2 + D-pad up | 2 Skill Point |
Guess It’s My Turn | Gives Gohan an immense buff on damage output and defense while also entering Sparking Mode. | R2/RT + D-pad left | 4 Skill Point |
Super Explosive Ray | Charges a beam attack that gives moderate damage. | R2/RT + Melee button | 3 Ki Gauges |
Explosive Flash | Launches enemies away by instantly vanishing in front of them. Deals moderate damage. | R2/RT + Ki button | 3 Ki Gauges |
Special Beam Cannon | Rushes at the opponent and pushes them away with force, followed by firing a major damaging beam at the target. | R2/RT + Perception button | Sparking mode |
How to Play Gohan Beast
We come to the final stage of Gohan (Super Hero)’s forms. Gohan Beast has the same combo attacks of Ultimate Gohan (Super Hero), so there are no changes there. What does change is the special moves, where you will find some major changes here. For one, you now need to splurge 4 Skill Points for Guess It’s My Turn, but you can enter Sparking Mode much faster and also get a huge buff on your attacks and defense.
If you plan on using this move, then follow that up with the Special Beam Cannon, which is a more powerful version of Explosive Onslaught. You can then use Beast Sense and your combo attacks till you get a chance to perform any of your Ki attacks. Again, you don’t get a skill to regenerate your Ki. so you need to plan and strategize your attacks to optimize the attacks that require Ki. You get an added advantage against Giant characters while playing as Gohan Beast.
If you wish to learn more about the techniques and moves used in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero, you can check out our Vanish, Transform, And Tag guide to know more