To access Scaled Citadel, you must pick between houses: House Ka’Dic, House Dul’kehf, and House Veth’aal. To start the Zelous Overreach quest you need to decide to aid House Ka’Dic. After you select to aid the House Ka’Dic, head over to the House Ka’Dic base located in Va’ruun’kai (Moon of Kavnyk). In a game like Starfield, decision-making comes with the name, this guide will go through all the steps required to finish the quest amongst other fun aspects of the quests to keep you informed.
Learning About Sahima

We need to hand Sahima’s research to Inaza Kaisir to complete the quest. But first, we need to find out about Sahima’s location by heading to House Ka’Dic.
- Fast travel to Va’ruun’kai moon, and head over to the House Ka’Dic located north of the Dazra. Here we will find everything we need to know about Sahima’s whereabouts.
Note: After entering the House Ka’Dic base, a new mission will activate titled ‘Scientific Method‘. Avoid the mission, it has nothing to do with our primary quest ‘Zealous Overreach’ on the log.
Talking To Razma Ka’Dic
- Take the stairs on the left, the first door to the right to continue with our House Ka’Dic quest. On the chair, you will find Razma Ka’Dic, one of the elders of House Ka’Dic.
- Razma will inform us about Sahima’s abduction by Zealots. She is being held hostage among others in a secret place. Your task is to rescue Sahima and other hostages bringing them back home from Zealots.
While it all seems plain and simple, the problem arises when you ask Razma about the location of the Zealot’s kidnapping spot, but here she will point at us to the person who knows about the location of the hostages, Mirek. Another problem here, Mirek is working as a secret agent inside Zealots, so he will not be giving up the information easily. In the end, Rezema will hand us the location of Mirek, the upstairs meditation room to pursue him to talk about the location
Talking To Mirek Ka’Dic

Follow the marker to get to Mirek upstairs, and make sure to not go outside the base, he is inside the base standing next to an altar. All the stairs leading up to him are inside the base.
Once you reach the meditation room, strike up a conversation with Mirek to make him snitch out the info about Sahima. There are basically two ways we can acquire the information from Mirek:
- Persuasion: Use persuade to make Mirek hand out the information about the location. If the persuasion fails then we have no choice but to move forward with the second option here.
- Hacking: Here we use Digipick on Mirek’s computer terminal. The objective marker will automatically point at Mirek’s computer when you fail to persuade Mirek.
The Sahima and hostage location is at Shadow Station Epsilon. With the new information, head back to Razma. She will tell you the location of the Shadow Epsilon, in the badlands, north of Dazra.
Decision Making:
Before heading to the location, talk to Djimal, she will be at the doorway left of Razma’s office. Here we learn a surprising bit of history between Razma and the Zealots.
It turns out that Djimal wants the hostages and Sahima dead, so that Razma would then blame on the Zealots, and end the secret relationship between the House Ka’Dic and the Zealots. You can try hustle 10000 Credits from Djimal to do what she wants.
You can do the role playing bit here by either carrying out the massacre to keep the Zealots out of House Ka’Dic or go with the Razma’s plan of helping both hostages and Sahima.
Finding Sahima In Shadow Station Epsilon

- Get out of Dazra city, and start moving north, It is not that far away, but it will take a bit while to get to the location on foot. Once you are in the Shadow Station Epsilon, take the stairs on the right of the base, to enter the building.
Note: If you are feeling trigger-happy then you can eliminate the zealots surrounding the area before entering inside. or you can just simply sneak inside.
- Once you enter the building, take the stairs and then turn left, you will find zealots also swarming the location. Since you are already on a bloodbath, why stop? eliminate all the zealots on the floor before making any move. Once you start moving through the doorway on the left, watch out for the turrets on the ceiling.
- Go through the doorway, take the walkway on the right, and go down the stairs to reach the ground floor. Now get to the door directly across the stairs, the route will then take you to the basement of the compound. Use Digipicks to open the door to the basement.

Rescuing Sahima
- When the basement door opens up, head straight, and then go through the vent on the right. Follow the marker here, and take the door to the right. Kill the zealots in the room, and look for a door on the left covered by supply crates.
- Go through the door, on your left you see a cage guarded by a zealot, eliminate the zealot, and open the cage. Here we will find Sahima Ka ‘Dic trapped inside the room.
Decision Making: Kill Sahima Or Save Sahima?
Here we are given a choice to either kill Sahima or Help her out. Killing her will strike a war between zealots and Razma, we will also get a good amount of credits from Djimal. Rescuing her will help us stick to our primary goal without any bloodshed.

- Kill Sahima: This will earn you 10,000 credits from Djimal but there will be a lot of blood you need to spill to make the cash.
- Saving Sahima: The non-violent route will deliver 500 credits, Va’Ruun Starstorm (Extended Mag), and lastly 56 Heavy Particle Fuses.
We recommend you take the peaceful route by saving Sahima and continue along the mission to help the hostages. Save the killing part for another run.
Bug Alert: When you try to go with the non-violent route, Sahima will not talk, so you are forced to kill her to continue the quest. If this happens for you,
Solution #1: If you are facing the problem try reloading the previous save file or pressing the console key on your keyboard, typing in ‘tcl’ or ‘movetoqt’.
Solution #2: Another solution is to press the console key, point at the NPC ‘Sahima’ while doing it, then type in ‘Disable’, after some time, press the console key again, but this time type in ‘Enable’.
Solution #3: Come back to the quest after taking on another, finishing a new or different mission might remove the bug.
Most of the solutions come from the bugs we encountered in the main campaign of Starfield. Bethesda hasn’t addressed the problem, maybe it will get resolved in the next update till then the only solution we seem to have is to mess around the command functions.
Rescue The Hostages

When you talk to Sahima instead of putting a bullet in her head, she will reveal the location of the hostages captured by Zealots and disengage the lock to help the hostages to reach a safe location. Get outside of the cage, and take the door on the left of the cave.
Rescue The First Set Of Hostages
The marker will then take you to the underground section, compare to the zealots we faced before on the floor above, the ones you will find underground are more aggressive and powerful.
Take your time and prepare before you tackle Redeemed Zealots head-on. There are only two of them guarding the cage of hostages, it can go pretty wild, so make sure to kill them first before rescuing them.
Rescue The Second Set Of Hostages
When you talk to one of the hostages, he will ask us to rescue other hostages separated from the first group. The objective will then change to ‘Rescue the Remaining Hostages’. Get out of the cage, and take the route on the right to reach the remaining hostages in the cave.
Eliminate everyone in the area, and enter every room here to rescue the hostages. Since they are all tied up, you will need to set them free by interacting with every one of them.
Rescue all the hostages, then you can move to the elevator in the middle of the room to get out. The marker will only point to the elevator, once all the hostages are freed.
Interrupt The Negotiation

- On the upper floor, you will meet Sahima again, she will tend to the hostages and ask the player to visit the Badlands Power Station (the place of negotiation). Badlands Power Station is located south of the Shadow Station Epsilon (where we are).
- Follow the marker to reach the station. Once you arrive at the location, the objective will then change to Interrupt the negotiation. Enter the power station, you will arrive at a meeting between Razma Ka’Dic and Mihael Dziri.
Since we rescued Sahima and the hostages beforehand, we have an advantage in the negotiation. Sahima will then show up to the meeting and blackmail Mihael about letting it all go.
Decision Making:
You can kill the zealots by asking Sahima to release the virus, which will make Mihael mad enough to pull the trigger on everyone. Or make Mihael reconsider his options. When Sahima starts to threaten Mihael with a virus, he will get angry, giving you the option to only attack.
After the storm is settled, you can talk to Razma and push her to hand out 15000 Credits to keep the whole relationship with Zealots a secret.
Head back to Dazra, and follow the objective marker to meet Inaza Kaisir and hand out Sahima’s research to finish the mission Zealous Overreach.