Shattered Space is out now, giving spacefarers another chance to experience a different part of the galaxy. The developers have promised a more ‘hand-crafted’ environment as opposed to the procedurally generated planets in the base game. The first mission in the DLC will have you travel to the Oracle Space Station and hear a distress call, warning you not to board. You, of course, like any good adventurer ignore that and promptly board the Oracle, which kicks off the ‘What Remains’ quest.
While the mission objectives are all required to close the mission and progress ahead, one optional marker will have you looking for 4 Sirak’s Logs. These are not the easiest to find, and if you are looking for a way to go about collecting all 4, that is exactly what this guide is going to help you with. So let’s get started on how to find all 4 Sirak’s Logs in the quest ‘What Remains’
Sirak’s Log # 1

As you enter, make your way straight ahead, opening the doors and following the objective marker. You will eventually arrive to witness an interaction between Basira & Shirak, at the end of which Basira will suddenly turn hostile on you. Go ahead & kill her.
Approach Sirak and he will speak about returning to Engineering and make one last attempt to restore power. At this point, the optional activity of collecting Sirak’s Logs will get added to the mission objective.
Open the door right outside the cabin where you interacted with Sirak, then proceed down the stairs and take a right, till you come to a cabin. You will find Sirak’s Log # 1 lying on the table next to an Advanced Deep Recon Helmet.
The Log will talk about how they experienced a sudden energy surge while conducting experiments directly above Dazra, causing the Grav Drive of the ship to jump to an unknown location. They were then attacked by ‘Vortex Phantoms’
Sirak’s Log # 2

Go back to the point from which you took a right, and jump down below the huge glowing blue energy orb to find Sirak’s Log # 2 lying on the table.
Sirak will talk about how certain areas in the ship seem to have been cordoned off with energy barriers which are of the same pattern that they were studying for Anasko’s experiments, and how this is worrying for the citizens of Dazra.
How To Find The Engineering Bay Access Card In What Remains

Follow the quest marker, which will lead you through a yellow door, into a corridor with steps going way down. Take those stairs, or jump down below to the lowest level. Here, you will come across a panel marked 1,3,5. Press No. 3, which will open up the same numbered storage area in front of you.
Enter the area, till you locate a hatch. Use the hatch and go down to reach the next area. Follow the corridors till you arrive at a room with a billiards table in the centre and beds. Go out from the set of stairs ahead, and climb to the room above to find the Engineering Bay Access Card on one of the bunkers.
Sirak’s Log # 3

Sirak’s Log # 3 will be on a platform right next to where you found the Engineering Bay Access Card. Sirak will talk about how the Oracle continues to jump, and that the exposure to the energy is killing the crew. However, a few of the afflicted are momentarily able to retain a sense of self.
Sirak’s Log # 4
Return to the cabin where you found the first log. The previously inaccessible terminal can now be unlocked using the Engineering Bay Access Card. Use the Power Terminal to ‘Reconnect Secondary Power Cell’. This, will however not work, and you will automatically get Sirak talking about how one of the power cells dislodged during the jump, and that restoring the gravity may help put the power cell back in the right place. Cue a travel to the Control Room to do exactly that.

Head up through the passage and you will see a corridor, which has a cabin with the huge blue energy orb inside it. Enter it to find Sirak’s Log # 4 on the table. He will mention the last four unaffected members – himself, Nadine, Basira & Taras, and how he fears that it is only a matter of time before they also get afflicted with the energy barrier.
And that completes all the 4 Sirak’s Logs in What Remains. While not essential, these logs add a good backstory and context to what the crew went through that led to the current situation when you land on the Oracle.