Star Wars: Outlaws has quite a few interactions that impact the gameplay. Most of these have to do with your standing with various factions, however, there is one early on in the game that has you deciding on whether to give credits to a gambler, who promises to get you your share once he wins. In case you are also wondering what the outcome is if you do give credits to the Mirogana Gambler in Star Wars Outlaws, we have put up the details for you right here.
Mirogana Gambler: Give Money Or Not

Yes, you should give the maximum amount that you can – which is the last option of 500 Credits – to the Gambler. Of course, till this time, you may not exactly have amassed that many, or even if you have there would probably be other things you would be looking to spend your hard-earned money on, rather than risking it on a gambler’s promise. If that is the case, you can select the second option to give 100 Credits.
The Gambler in this case turns out to be an honest one who does deliver what he promises; although you will have to progress through the game a bit before you can come back to get your share of the proceeds. After you have closed at least one other main quest, secondary quest, a contract or a Syndicate quest, you can visit the place again.
You will now see the earlier down-on-his-luck Gambler lounging comfortably with new shoes and all, and tells Kay that he has hit the jackpot, and shares the winnings with her. Even Kay appears pleasantly surprised; commenting that he actually delivered. You will get 1.5 times the amount that you had given to the gambler. Thus, if you parted with 500 Credits, you stand to get 750 Credits; hence the recommendation to pick this option.
For others who are looking for a way to use this short NPC interaction to earn some credits, the gambler is located in Mirogana and is activated once you are through with the main quest ‘Crashed’.
This is also the game’s way of getting you into the gameplay dynamic of making choices – and setting you up for much more involved and unclear choices as you progress in the game. While admittedly it is no Mass Effect or Witcher-level consequences, they are just hazy and unclear enough to make you think of what to select whenever presented with an option like this.