The Wreck quest in Star Wars Outaws has the player go through from stealth section to get out of an explosive building in a matter of minutes. this action-packed quest is one of the most memorable quests in the entire game. The intro to the quest has us steal a Class Eleven Power Core, the next two objectives on the line will focus on reaching the Old Shipwreck and Finding a Way to the Bridge. If the first objective was about stealing and stealth, the next two will focus on platforming, so clean the sweat off the controller, here we go.
How To Reach The Old Shipwreck
- After you have grabbed the Class Eleven Power Core from the Imperial Compound, the objective marker will then point to the east of Boulder Forest. Once you arrive at the location, you will come across a Tunnel, with strong wind preventing us from getting in. Use the Speed Boost ability on Speeder to get through it quickly.

- The path through the Tunnel is linear, so keep heading forward using your speeder, eventually you will reach a locked door. Here install the Power Core on the panel next to the door. Then shoot the capacitor on the ceiling by switching the blaster module to Ion, this will open the door.
- Go through the door and you will arrive at one of the amazing vistas in the game, take a screenshot, it lasts longer. Head straight, cross the bridge, and climb the ledges to the top. Then look up, and you will see a grappling point, attach the hook to climb up.

- Once you are on the platform, point the camera to the right, and you will see a grappling hook, again attach the hook to land on the wall grates on the other side. Keep moving towards the left and you will eventually land on a platform. Look to your right, you will see another grappling point, attach the hook, and jump. Turn to your left, and squeeze through the pipes.
- The path is linear, just keep moving straight, after you climb the rocks on the wall, you will arrive at the location with busted-out ship parts. We are just a few steps away from our first objective. Turn to the left, attach the hook to the grappling point above, and jump.

- The game will then take control over the camera giving you a scenic view of the wrecked ship. Another beautiful vista in the game, take a screenshot and grapple down. After a few steps forward, the platform will collapse dropping you inside the shipwreck.
- That’s it, we made it to the old shipwreck, completing the second objective of the quest The Wreck, now it’s time to get on with the third objective.
Find A Way To The Bridge
- Once you are inside the ship, keep heading straight, eventually, you will come across a large hole, look up, and use the grapple hook to land on the grates. Keep moving to your left, until you see a giant hole above you, go through the hole.

- Inside, it’s all going to be very dark but Kay will turn on the flash to make it easier for us. Keep moving straight until you reach the dead end, the wobbly platform will be the sign, turn left, and take the bridge to the upper floor.
- If you look to your left, you will find a locked door, the key for the door will be a capacitor hidden amongst wires. Point the camera right side of the door, you will find the capacitor, put some blaster ion rounds to activate it.

- Go through the door, jump, and climb the grates to the top. You will find another locked door, to open it we will need to shoot two capacitors.
- Both of them are hiding in plain sight, look to your left, shoot the first capacitor, and then look at the wall in front of you, you will find another capacitor at the top-right. After you shoot both of them, the door will unlock.

- The area inside is dark, but the path is very linear, keep moving forward, and you will reach the ship reactor. Here turn to your right, climb the grates to the platform above. After a few steps, jump on the yellow-painted metal bars to your left to get to the other platform.
- Keep walking on the bridge, until it breaks, that’s our cue to make a Jump to get to the other side. After a few steps, jump to the round platforms to your right.
- Don’t stay on them for too long or it will collapse, keep moving. After you land on the third one, look to your left, and jump on the yellow-painted metal bars.

- Keep moving right, climb up, then grapple you down, and you will arrive at the bridge’s entrance.
If you have trouble figuring out quests in Star Wars Outlaws, we have in-depth guides to help you in your Journey. Check out our other guides on Star Wars Outlaws: How To Steal The Blaster Part From Crimson Dawn District or Jet Kordo Kijimi Vault Location And How To Unlock: Star Wars Outlaws.