Finding the Forge quest seems to be the first blockade for many players who are having a difficult time finding Renly’s tools on the map. The RNG system behind the gameplay does work wonderfully to hand out new experiences to the player but it hinders when it comes to pinpointing the actual spot of an item. However, we will tell you every clue you need to know to spot Renly’s Tools and finish off the Finding the Forge quest in Path of Exile 2, and most importantly unlock the option of salvaging in the game.
How To Start Finding The Forge Quest In Path Of Exile 2

Location: Ogham Village
Monster Level: 13
Accessed Entry: Act 1
When you are going through the Ogham Village, you will run into one of the most frequent problems that most blacksmith deal with in their medieval lives, losing their tools. You will find Renly in Clearfell Encampment asking you to help him find the tools he has lost. This officially begins the quest Finding the Forge quest, here our objective is to find Renly’s Tools.
The quest description reads “Speak to Renly in Clearfell Encampment.“
How To Find Renly’s Tools In Finding The Forge Quest

Each playthrough will change the map to give the player a different experience, and this RNG factor makes it a bit difficult to precisely tell the location of Renly’s Tools. However, the Renly’s Workshop has few clues around it, that we can use to pinpoint the shop anytime on any map.
- Once you travel to Ogham Farmlands, near the entrance look for a burnt-out roofless hut. There are going to be plenty of huts that suffer from the same circumstances. Here you will need to find the hut with a corpse hanging from the rafters.
- Follow the side of the wall until you reach a checkpoint located between a small narrow gap. This is our entry to Renly’s Workshop.
Note: The checkpoint serves as the second clue indicator that you are indeed following the proper path.
- Clear the enemies out, there is no boss battle here. Once the area is filled with the blood of the enemy, grab the tools from the table and make your way back to the Renly.
That’s it, once you give the tools back to Renly, the Finding the Forge quest will come to an end.
Rewards On Completing Finding The Forge In Path Of Exile 2

Renly will then take the tools and use them to set up a Salvage Bench located in the upper region of the base camp. Here you can deconstruct items for salvage. However, we strongly recommend taking a cautious approach when it comes to salvaging: you don’t want to get rid of something because you have no use for it right now, it may suddenly become important at a later point in the game. It is better to save stuff that you are not completely sure of in the stash than to see it turn into some material in front of our eyes.
TheQuest Description Reads: “You have returned the Smithing Tools to Renly and he has restored his salvage bench to its former glory.“