When you are in a battleship in the middle of the Himalayas in an Indiana Jones game, you will have to juggle holding on to your dear life, and … getting all collectibles! But if you are worried you might miss out on some, then you have come to the right place: Here in the guide, we have put together all the collectibles in the KMS Kummetz during the mission A Harsh Climb.
How To Get All Collectibles In A Harsh Climb In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle
Most of the collectibles appear in the form of notes, and pictures. We have to take pictures of certain items in the area and grab a lot of notes off the desk next to dead sailors. So get your camera ready and your hands clean, here we go!
#1 Picture Of KMS Kummetz

Once you leave the cave through a narrow hole in the wall, an open area full of mysteries will await on the other side. First things first though: Take a picture of the ship KMS Kummetz to complete the first collectible. You can spot the ship from the entrance section, just look up to your left and you see the behemoth piercing the sky.
Map of KMS Kummetz

After you make it to the ship, navigate to the storage room and you will spot a doorway next to the red pipes blocked by icicles. To break the icicles we will need a two-handed melee weapon. Get out of the room and head to the room on your left and you will find a melee weapon lying on the door. Grab the weapon and head back to the storage room break the icicles and grab the map on your right.
#2 Diary Page Location

The second collectible is a note named Survivor’s Account, and you will find it in the room after you put a crank wheel on the door to open it. In the new room, you will find a whole lot of pipes in the middle, and to your right, you will spot two frozen survivors sitting on the floor, next to them is a note you can pick up.
#3 -4 Adamic Research and Laura’s Card (Automatic)
In a room, where you and Gina face off with two guards, you will get Adamic Research and Laura’s Card. Both of them will open up automatically, no need to look for them in the area.
#5 Picture Of Radios

Once you climb the ladder to the upper floor, you will be inside the radio room. Here, pull out the camera and take a picture of the monitors and machines covered with dust surrounded by icicles above.
#6 Adventure Book (1/1)

Title: Combat Button Man 2
Adventure Points to Unlock: 775
Effect: Two-handed firearms deal more damage.
From the last collectible, take the doorway on the right of the frozen computers with icicles. In the new room, you will find an adventure book on the desk right of the room. It’s left of the desk with a dead body hunched over. You will find a guard next to the desk, equip your two-handed melee weapon, and hit him while his back turned.
#7 Diary Page

Once you are at the west end of the ship, on the left you will come across a doorway with a KOMBUSE sign board. That’s our cue we are on the right path. Don’t go inside the room, instead take the doorway straight, you will see the word HALLE B2 written above it. Here, crawl to a vent on the right. You will find the Diary Page on a desk next to a dead captain on the chair.
#8 Witness Account Note
Now take the doorway left of the dead captain, and on the desk, to your right, you will find a note titled Witness Account, next to a dead soldier on the floor.
#9 Judgement Card
You will find it in the cafeteria section west of the ship. The room has plenty of tables and frozen dead bodies. It is located directly across another room titled KORRE SPOXDEXZ. Head inside the room and you will find the Judgement Card on the table.
#10 Picture Of Anchor Chain

When you head to the west end of the ship, right on the edge, you will come across a large room with a giant chain in the middle. Pull the camera out and take a picture of the chain to complete the note.
#11 Scary Stories #3
From the anchor chain climb down to the floor below using the whip. Grab the two-handed melee weapon and break the icicles blocking the doorway. Head inside, take the room on the left and you will find the note on the desk.
#12 Life Boat

Once you reach the deck of the ship, you will find two AA guns, both of them are frozen but behind them, you will find a frozen lifeboat. Take out the camera and shoot a picture of the bat to finish the collectible. The main deck is swarming with guards with guns, we recommend that you stick to the shadows and take out each guard before heading towards the lifeboat to take a picture.
#13 Experimental Journal Location
Take the stairs next to the lifeboat. Head through the doorway on the right, then turn left and again get inside the doorway on the right. Here, you will find the note Experiment Journal on the desk to your right.
#14 Mayan Sketch Location
Now head inside the doorway on the left, and you will find a frozen body sitting on the doorstep. Pass the ladder on the right and head straight. The area will be pitch dark, pull out the lighter, and head inside the room ahead.
The room’s entrance will be blocked by icicles, so take the two-handed melee weapon to break the ice and get inside. On your left, you will see the Mayan Sketch lying on a desk.
#15-16 Collectibles Location

We have to solve a puzzle to get the last collectible on the ship.
Head to the east side of the deck and you will find a ladder on the floor leading to the bottom floor. Get to the room across the ladder and you will find the Captain’s Journal in the middle of the desk in the center of the Office Lounge.
Here on the captain’s Code, you will see the letter JÖGM at the bottom of the paper, all three words above are crossed over. JÖGM is the first clue we have to solve the puzzle in the room.
#15 Take a Picture of the Cipher Machine
In the same room, on the left wall, you will see a cipher machine next to a suit in a glass box. Pull out the camera and take the picture. Now take all the cipher machine parts on the floor and put them back in the cipher machine to activate it.
#16 Machu Picchu Sketch
Now make sure all the letters on the top of the machine spells J-Ö-G-M. Here the letters at the bottom will appear as B-L-U-T. Head to the desk in the center of the Office Lounge and check the Code Table, and you will find the BLUT code on the first row. Head to the locked door in the lounge, enter the code 3666 open it and you will find the last collectible Machu Picchu Sketch on the floor.
And with that, you are done with 100% Collectibles for A Harsh Climb in Indiana Jones And The Great Circle. The game boasts of many such adventure books, relics and collectibles. Do check out our guides on all Sukhothai Medicine Bottle Locations and all 15 Gizeh Relic locations in the game.