In V Rising, the action-RPG from Stunlock Studios – you get to enjoy the perks of a powerful vampire and unleash your inner Dracula by building powerful castles and dominating minions to your will. However, in line with vampire lore – you also are weak to Garlic. In case you are looking for ways to remove Garlic Exposure in V Rising, we have put up the definitive guide on this subject
What Is Garlic Exposure In V Rising

Garlic Exposure is a debuff in V Rising with each stack increasing damage taken by 1% and reducing damage output by 0.5%. This can stack upto 100, meaning at the maximum level, you will take 100% additional damage and dish out 50% lesser damage than what you would have without any stacks of Garlic Exposure. This debuff also has the unfortunate side effect of alerting enemies to your presence from a longer distance than what would normally be the case. Not surprising … since you reek of garlic! This debuff typically builds up areas where there are villages and humans – who have tied up garlic around all places to protect themselves; like in Dunley Farmland for example.
How To Remove Garlic Exposure in V Rising
The Garlic Debuff does wear off over a period of time once you are out of the area which has the Garlic Debuff present – it roughly takes about 15-20 seconds for each stack of the Garlic Exposure debuff to wear off. You will know you are inflicted with the Garlic Exposure debuff as the screen will start going green and then the debuff along with the number of times that it has stacked up will be visible at the bottom right of the screen. Thus, if you have a Garlic Exposure of 50, it will take around quarter of an hour to bring it down to 0, and if you have the full 100 Garlic Exposure – it will take 30 minutes to get it to 0. Fortunately, you can increase your Garlic Resistance to speed this process up
How To Increase Garlic Resistance In V Rising
Increasing Garlic Resistance in V Rising helps reduce the speed with which the Garlic Debuff builds, and also increases the speed with which the Garlic Debuff -once inflicted – comes down. You can check your current level for Garlic Resistance ( and all other Resistances) by opening the Character Tab and looking at the stats.
Garlic Resistance can be increased by drinking potions, wearing specific gear and using Vampire Powers.
- The Minor Garlic Resistance Brew increases Garlic Resistance Rating by 40 for 60 minutes. It can be crafted at the Alchemy Table after unlocking the recipe by defeating Polora the Feywalker
- The Garlic Resistance Potion increases Garlic Resistance Rating by 80 for 60 minutes. It can be crafted at the Alchemy Table by defeating Clive the Firestarter
- Changing to Bear Form – a Vampire Power unlocked after defeating Ferocious Bear – increases all Resistances including Garlic Resistance by 25 alongwith other perks as well
- Equipping either the Hunter’s Cloak or Phantom’s Veil increases Garlic Resistance Rating by 15.

- Tier 2 Mutant Blood Type also builds up all Resistances by +15-20
Thus – by equipping either of the Hunter’s Cloak or Phantom’s Veil, drinking the Garlic Resistance Potion and then changing to Bear Form can effectively build a Garlic Resistance of 90, since the three different sources stack up.