V Rising is an action RPG with a key crafting gameplay mechanic that revolves around building a strong castle and equipping it with the right facilities to process all the loot that you gather during exploration into more and more powerful items. One such key element is the Onyx Tear, and in this guide we have put up everything you need to know on the location, crafting recipe, materials and uses for Onyx Tear in V Rising
How To Get Onyx Tear In V Rising
Onyx Tear in V Rising can be obtained as a rare drop on defeating level 74+ enemies, or can be crafted at an Anvil. As with all items in V Rising, the process requires you to first unlock the recipe, gather the materials and then craft the item. Let’s have a look at all these steps to craft an Onyx Tear in V Rising
- Defeat Nightmarshal Styx the Sunderer (a level 79 boss) located in the Night Forest. Upon defeat, it drops the recipe for Onyx Tear
- Collect the following materials as required in the recipe for Onyx Tears:
- 1 * Blood Merlot – crafted at the Prison Cell using 1 * Prisoner Blood, 1 * Empty Bottle, 60 * Sacred Grapes
- 3 * Power Cores – crafted at the Fabricator using 4* Charged Battery and 8 * Radium Alloy
- 3 * Gold Ingots – crafted at the Advanced Furnace using 4 * Gold Jewelry and 1 * Sulphur
- 3 * Dark Silver Ingots – crafted at the Advanced Furnace using 4 * Spectral Dust and 20 * Silver Ore
- With the recipe unlocked and the required materials gathered, you can then craft an Onyx Tear at the Anvil.

What is Onyx Tear In V Rising Used For
Onyx Tears in V Rising are used to repair shattered Legendary Weapons that drop when you defeat bosses ranked 75 or higher. These are materials introduced in the latest Secrets of Gloomrot update, and the in-game description for this item reads “A black material forged by blood, gold and power. Used to restore the most powerful of weapons”. Each Legendary Weapon will require 3 Onyx Tears to restore as well as an Ancestral Forge to be crafted, and will require a fair bit of grinding and crafting . However, these are incredibly powerful weapons and will make the effort put into restoring them worth it.
And that is everything on Onyx Tear in V Rising. Do check out our other guides on the game like how to get reinforced planks in V Rising or Hunter’s Cloak in V Rising