Whistle In The Dark is a unique Nocturnal Assault Rifle in Fallout 76 which is a highly effective long-range weapon for nighttime hours. While being a great asset for your arsenal, Whistle in the Dark isn’t the easiest to obtain. This guide covers all the methods of obtaining the Whistle In The Dark plan in Fallout 76 and crafting it.
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How To Get Whistle In The Dark in Fallout 76

There are two primary methods of getting your hands on the Whistle in the Dark plan in Fallout 76:
- Purchase from Minerva: Minerva is a traveling vendor in the game, often found at The Crater, which is located at the northeast of the map. Once you are able to find Minerva’s tent, you can buy the Whistle in the Dark plan in exchange for 1000 Gold Bullions. This is the most concrete method of obtaining Whistle in the Dark in Fallout 76. The amount is not exactly pocket change, so you may either want to hold off the purchase for later, or try one of the other methods below. You get Gold Bullions from completing daily quests; or you can exchange your Caps from Smiley at The Wayward – at the rate of 50 Gold Bullions for every 1000 Caps.
- Daily Op: You may get lucky and have the plan for Whistle In The Dark drop as a reward for successfully completing a Daily Op. However, this can happen only once you level up to 50 and above.
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Crafting Whistle In The Dark in Fallout 76

Once you have obtained the Whistle In The Dark Plan in Fallout 76, you can craft it at any Weapons Workbench. The components required for crafting Whistle In The Dark at levels 30 / 40 / 50 are as follows:
Materials | Level 30 | Level 40 | Level 50 |
Adhesive | 8 | 9 | 11 |
Gear | 7 | 9 | 11 |
Legendary module | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Oil | 5 | 6 | 8 |
Screw | 17 | 19 | 21 |
Spring | 10 | 13 | 16 |
Steel | 33 | 36 | 38 |
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Is Whistle In The Dark in Fallout 76 Worth It?

The Whistle In The Dark comes with the following Legendary effects equipped:
- Nocturnal – Increased damage at night
- VATS Enhanced – +50% VATS hit chance
- +1 Perception
The stats for a level 30 Whistle In The Dark are:
- Damage : 26 (29 at level 40, 33 at level 50)
- Magazine Size : 20
- Fire Rate : 40
- Range : 120
- Accuracy : 71
- AP : 32
- Weight : 8.0
Whether the weapon is worth putting in 1000 Gold Bullions is another matter – but if you get it off a Daily Op; then it is a weapon definitely worth trying. There are various ways to get the +1 Perception; and the increased damage only works half of the time that you will be exploring; unless you are willing to change your exploration to only during night time. In my opinion; there are other worthier rifles to get your hands on – the Ticket To Revenge, for example or the Tesla Rifle.