Slayer’s Fang is the newest exotic Shotgun to launch in Destiny 2 Revenant Act 3. After completing your first playthrough of Kell’s Fall mission, you can claim this weapon as your own. But there is still a lot more work to do in terms of perfecting its build, and if you continue with the main quest again, you can get some intrinsic perks and exotic catalysts. The exotic catalysts are a bit harder to collect, as you need to explore the various levels within Kell’s Fall and uncover them. In this guide we show you how to collect all 4 Slayer’s Fang catalysts in Destiny 2.
All Slayer’s Fang Catalyst Locations In Destiny 2
Before you begin, you must complete the Kell’s Fall main mission at least once to get the Slayer’s Fang. You need this weapon before you can hunt down all the catalysts. Next, visit Apothecary Eido in Last City to start the Revenant Slayer series of quests. There are 5 such quests to complete, and the later Revenant quests will lead you to the four catalysts. You must complete all quests in Expert mode with the Slayer’s Fang in your arsenal to collect all the catalysts.
Defeat Kell’s Fall Combatants

Objective: Defeat combatants while under the effects of a tonic from your Tonic Capsule and obtain 20 Tonic-enabled final blows.
This objective is quite simple, as you just need to consume any tonic before you combat. You must complete this objective within the Kell’s Fall main mission for it to count. You can craft tonics at the Tonic Table next to Eido’s workstation. There are two types of tonics to craft, Volatile and Enriching. You can get any tonic to complete this task and start the next one.
Kell’s Fall: Distortion – Revenant Slayer I – IV
Objective: Destroy all illusory anchors within the Revenant Plane in the Mirror Gallery, Fighting Pit, Sanctum, and Throne Room on Expert Difficulty.
It says on the quest log that Revenant Planes are invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen if you perform ADS on your Slayer’s Fang. There are four locations to explore, and each location will have 3 Illusory Anchors to destroy.
You don’t have to use your Slayer’s Fang all the time, as you can notice some mild distortion on the walls or doorway if you pay attention. You will also get an audio cue when you are close to these illusory anchors. But you can use the weapon to make things easier, as some of the illusory anchors are easy to miss.
Mirror Gallery Illusory Anchors

- The first Illusory Anchor is found on the left after you enter the Mirror Gallery portal. You can find it close to the wall, use the Slayer’s Fang ADS to find it and shoot it down.
- Continue down the right side path from the portal and keep going till you find a flight of stairs going up. There is a room with a large tree on your right, but don’t go inside just yet. Head straight up the stairs and keep going towards the large door to find the next Illusory Anchor.
- After that, head into the room with the large tree and on the left is another large door with the third Illusory Anchor.
Fighting Pit Illusory Anchors

- Head over to the first boss arena in Kell’s Falls and enter the mirror portal here. Walk across the bridge in the center of the room to find the first Illusory Anchor.
- Just before the stairs, head left to find the second illusory anchor on the wall.
- Head up the stairs and investigate the wall slightly to the right side to find the third illusory anchor.
Sanctum Illusory Anchors

- After entering the mirror portal in the Sanctum, turn around and you will spot the first illusory anchor inside an alcove.
- Head over to the room ahead where the trees are, go right, then check out the area behind the tree to find the second illusory anchor.
- Go back to the middle room and head over to the left side. Keep following the path to the left till you reach a dead end and the final illusory anchor.
Throne Room Illusory Anchors

- Once you reach Fikrul’s lair, you can make a quick dash to the mirror portal while he is charging up. The first illusory anchor can be found in front of Fikrul’s throne.
- Head back towards the mirror portal, but turn left just before it. On the left side of the alcove is the second illusory anchor up above.
- Across the mirror portal are a flight of stairs heading up. Get up there and head inside the room, then look to the right to spot the third illusory anchor high above on the wall.
After completing all the steps, all that is left is to do the rest of the questline on Expert difficulty. Once completed, head back to Eido to claim all 4 catalysts, which are listed below.
- Repulsor Brace Refit
- Stats for All Refit
- Cascade Point Refit
- Loose Change Refit
But this isn’t all that you can claim in Destiny 2 Revenant Act 3, as you can continue to play and collect all the Slayer’s Fang Intrinsic Perks as well.