In the BO6 Campaign, when you visit the Weapon Bench at your safe house, you will find three weapon blueprints. Each of these blueprints will cost 3000$ each, and it can look like a steep price to pay. It is especially hard to decide which weapon blueprint you want to go for, given you won’t have 9000$ for all three. Since it is harder to farm money in the Campaign, you might have to settle on getting just one weapon blueprint and sacrificing the others.
But, there is actually a way to farm cash even after looting all the safes within all the campaign missions. In this guide we will show you how to get all free weapon blueprints for the Bastion, Truth Serum, and Pocket Aces in BO6.
How To Get Bastion, Truth Serum & Pocket Aces Blueprints Easily
There is a way to farm the Cradle mission to get cash easily and chalk up the 9000$ required to buy all thee weapon blueprints. While you can collect 9000$ by unlocking all 9 Campaign safes in BO6, you will be short of money to purchase upgrades that can help you a lot in the game. If you want to buy everything that the Weapon Bench has to offer, then you need to find other ways to efficiently farm money. Luckily, the Cradle campaign mission helps you with that.
Head over to your mission board and load up the Cradle mission. You need to complete the entire mission run first before you can use this tactic to farm money. Next, start the Cradle mission and wait for the cutscene to end. There are a few places inside and around the main building where you can find piles of cash left around. Below are all the locations you need to check out.

- After getting off the vehicle, make a beeline for the stairs on the left of the main entrance and enter the doorway. Go down the short flight of stairs and head straight to the table with the two chairs side by side to find the first pile of cash.

- Exit out the doorway on the right and enter the building straight ahead, and immediately turn right after going up the stairs. At the end of the passage is a flight of stairs going up, and a stand table at the top of the stairs having a pile of cash.

- Go past the stand table and down the stairs, and turn left. On your left is a large double door, but you don’t need to go through that. Instead, investigate the cabinet to the right of the door to find a wad of cash.

- Turn all the way around doing a 180 and exit out the door ahead. Investigate the table beside the pool to find the last wad of cash.
After collecting all that money, pause the game and head into the main menu. Select the option to Restart Mission and repeat the above steps again. You can do this as many times as you want to farm cash and purchase all the blueprints and upgrades. While playing all the campaign missions, you can still collect some cash here and there, so keep an eye out for them.
There are a few challenges within each campaign to complete as well, such as the Collect Calls challenge and the Keen Eye challenge in BO6, you can check these guides to know more.