There are several Artifacts in Stalker 2 and equipping the right one can save your life from getting taken away by anomalies. We have put up here all the artifacts that we have discovered so far with their effects and location details. As we play and find more anomalies, we will keep updating this list.
On This Page:
List Of All Artifact Locations In Stalker 2

Each artifact comes with its own set of buffs and negatives once they are equipped with the armor. All the buffs are permanent that rule also applies well to the negatives as well. You will also need to be constantly switching from one artifact to another.
If one artifact grants you Chemical Protection, wearing it while facing off Electrical Anomalies will not make any sense. Here you need to swap the Chmeical Protection artifact with an artifact that provides Electrical Resistance. Below you are going to find almost all the artifacts discovered in Stalker 2.
Note: The artifacts can also disappear from the location, if that takes place, then you need to hunt for the artifact again at a different time.
#1 Battery
Radiation: Weak
Endurance: Weak
Worth: 7500 K
Where To Find: You will find the artifact in Electro Anomalies
#2 Bubble
Radio Protection: Medium
Worth: 7,500K
Where To Find: This common artifact is present in Acid Anomalies. It can also be obtained from Steward by trading drugs on your first visit to Wild Island.
#3 Crown
Radiation: Medium
Endurance: Weak
Physical Protection: Weak
Worth: 14,000 K
Where To Find: Crown Artifact can be found in Gravitational Anomalies. You will also find it on the small island southwest of Trailer Camp in Swamps.
#4 Crystal
Thermal Protection: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where To Find: This common artifact is found in Thermal Anomalies.
#5 Crystal Thorn
Radio Protection: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where To Find: Found in Professor Dvupalov’s Moonshine Still.
#6 Droplets
Thermal Protection: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where To Find: A more common artifact found in Thermal Anomalies.
#7 Flaw
Radiation: Medium
Bleeding Resistance: Weak
Weight Effect: Weak
Where To Find: Flaw is an Uncommon Artifact found in Thermal Anomalies.
#8 Harp
Radiation: Medium
Bleeding Resistance: Weak
Electrical Protection: Weak
Worth: 14,000K
Where To Find: An uncommon artifact in Electro Anomalies.
#9 Hypercube
Thermal Protection: Maximum
Radiation: Maximum
Bleeding Resistance: Maximum
Worth: 60,000K
Where To Find: A Legendary artifact found in Thermal Anomalies.
#10 Lantern
Radiation: Medium
Electrical Protection: Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where To Find: A far more Uncommon artifact found in Thermal Anomalies.
#11 Magma
Thermal Protection: Weak
Radiation: Medium
Weight Effect: Weak
Where To Find: An Uncommon artifact found in Acid Anomalies.
#12 Mica
Radio Protection: Weak
Worth: 7500 K
Where To Find: A more common artifact found in Acid Anomalies. Head northwest of Slag Heap, and you will also find Mica in a bus in the Maze Point location. It’s also part of the “The Price Goes Up ” Story questline
#13 Mold
Radiation: Weak
Chemical Protection: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where To Find: Similar to Mica, a common artifact found in acid anomalies. This artifact is also part of the “Needle in the Haystack” Main questline. Here talk to Squint on the top of the Old Mill, he will hand us a task about finding the artifact in the cave nearby. Head to the marker, get inside the house, and you will eventually be inside the cave. Defeat the mutant, then use the bolts and scanner to track down the artifact and grab it.
#14 Moonlight
Radiation: Medium
Electrical Protection: Medium
Worth: 14,000 K
Where To Find: A more Uncommon artifact found in Electro Anomalies. Also found in the Electricity Pylon Stash east of the Garbage region. It’s also part of the Budmo! Side quest.
#15 Plasma
Thermal Protection: Medium
Radiation: Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where To Find: A more Uncommon artifact found in Thermal Anomalies.
#16 Rat King
Radiation: Weak
Bleeding Resistance: Weak
Electrical Protection: Weak
Worth: 7500 K
Where To Find: A common artifact found in Electro Anomalies. The artifact is also part of the Electrical field in the Garbage region.
#17 Sapphire
Radiation: Weak
Bleeding Resistance: Weak
Endurance: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where To Find: Similar to Rat King, Sapphire can also be found in Electro Anomalies.
#18 Shell
Radiation: Weak
Endurance: Weak
Worth: 7500 K
Where To Find: A common artifact found in Electro Anomalies. It can also be obtained from Steward by trading drugs in Wild Island.
#19 Slug
Radio Protection: Weak
Worth: 7500 K
Where To Find: A common artifact primarily found in Acid Anomalies. This artifact is also part of the “The Price Goes Up ” story questline. You will find it inside the boss center of the maze located northwest of Slag Heap.
#20 Spinner
Radiation: Weak
Bleeding Resistance: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where To Find: A Common Kind, found in Thermal Anomalies.
#21 Strong Blood
Radiation: Weak
Weight Effect: Weak
Where To Find: A Common artifact found in Gravitational Anomalies.
#22 Eye
Thermal Protection: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7500 K
Where To Find: Common artifact variant found in Thermal Anomalies. Another location for Eye artifacts would be to head to Magnetic Cave, which can be found east of Boiler House. Head to the middle of the Lesser Zone region to get the location. The cave will hold Thermal Anomalies, use the bolts to start the fire jets, and get the artifact.
#23 Goldfish
Radiation: Weak
Weight: Weak
Worth: 7500 K
Where To Find: A far more Uncommon artifact found in Gravitational Anomalies. You will also come across the Goldfish artifact near the Deaf Meadow location northeast of the Lesser Zone. Here you will encounter an NPC named Yurko Fantomas, he will be standing next to the anomaly and will give us a task about retrieving the brother’s body from an anomaly. Take the quest and grab the artifact near the shore.
#24 Flytrap
Radiation: Medium
Weight: Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where To Find: An Uncommon artifact found in Gravitational Anomalies. Head to the Lesser Zone, you will find the artifact in the Ribs Location. The artifact is part of the “Behind Seven Seals” main questline, use the bolts to clear the anomalies and get the artifact into the bag.
#25 Flash
Radiation: Weak
Electrical Protection: Weak
Worth: 7500 K
Where To Find: You can loot it from the Power Transmission Pylon Stash in the Garbage. Located southeast of Slag Heap. It’s also part of the Budmo! Side quest. Taking the side quest will have this artifact location marked on your map. We recommend you take the side quest to make it easier to find.
#26 Gravi
Radiation: Weak
Weight: Weak
Worth: 7500 K
Where To Find: A common artifact found in gravitational anomalies.
#27 Meat Chunk
Chemical Protection: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7500 K
Where To Find: You can find the artifact in Acid Anomalies.
#28 Rosin
Radiation: Weak
Endurance: Weak
Worth: 7500 K
Where To Find: Head to Wild Island, you will find the artifact sitting in Scar.
#29 Weird Ball
Effect: Bullet Damage Especially Standing Still
Worth: 14,000K
Where To Find: You will find the artifact in the Bulba Anomalous Area in the Lesser Zone.
#30 Pebble
Physical Protection – Weak
Endurance – Weak
Radiation – Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where To Find: A Common artifact found in Gravitational Anomalies.
#31 Wrenched
Physical Protection – Weak
Radiation – Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where To Find: A far more Common artifact found in Gravitational Anomalies.
#32 Tourist’s Breakfast
Chemical Protection – Medium
Radiation – Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where To Find: A far more Uncommon artifact found in Chemical Anomalies. Mica and Slug can be found inside the bus at the Labyrinth northwest of Slag Heap. This artifact is also part of “The Price Goes Up “main questline.
#33 Stone Blood
Weight – Weak
Radiation – Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where To Find: A Common artifact found in Gravitational Anomalies.
#34 Chocolate Bar
Electrical Protection – Weak
Radiation – Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where To Find: A Common artifact found in Electro Anomalies.
#35 Compass
Physical Protection: Maximum
Radiation: Maximum
Worth: 60,000
Where To Find: A Legendary artifact found in Gravitational Anomalies.
#36 Sprint
Weight: Medium
Radiation: Medium
Worth: 14000 K
Where To Find: An Uncommon artifact found in Gravitational Anomalies.
#37 Crust
Chemical Protection: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500 K
Where To Find: A Common artifact found in Acid Anomalies.
#38 Soul
Endurance: Medium
Radiation: Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where To Find: The artifact is located in the Chemical Tanks.
#39 Steak
Bleeding Resistance Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: You can find this Uncommon artifact around Gravitational Anomalies.
#40 Dead Sponge
Bleeding Resistance Medium
Radiation: Medium
Worth: 14000K
Where to Find: You can find this Uncommon artifact around Thermal Anomalies.
#41 Ciliate
Chemical Protection: Medium
Radiation: Medium
Where to Find: You can find this artifact around Chemical Anomalies.
#42 Metal Chunk
Chemical Protection: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Where to Find: You will find this artifact around Chemical Anomalies.
#43 Lyre
Bleed Resistance: Weak
Weight: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: You will find this common artifact around Thermal Anomalies.
#44 Spring
Weight: Medium
Radiation: Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where to Find: You will find this uncommon artifact in Gravitational Anomalies.
#45 Kolobok
Chemical Protection: Medium
Radiation: Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where to Find: You will find this uncommon artifact in Chemical Anomalies.
#46 Flaw
Bleed Resistance: Weak
Weight: Weak
Radiation: Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where to Find: This artifact can be found around Fire Anomalies.
#47 Hypercube
Bleed Resistance: High
Fire Protection: High
Radiation: High
Where to Find: The legendary artifact can be found in the Circus, Zaton Fire.
#48 Cavity
Bleed Resistance: Weak
Weight: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: This artifact can be found around Glass Shard Anomalies.
#49 Magma
Thermal Protection: Weak
Weight: Weak
Radiation: Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where to Find: This artifact can be found around Thermal Anomalies.
#50 Magic Cube
Radiation: Maximum
Physical Protection: Strong
Worth: 60,000K
Where to Find: This rare artifact can be found around Gravitational Anomalies.
Tip: When you are starting out in the Lesser Zone, hit Magnetic Cave, Oil Mill, Bulba, Deaf Meadow, and Ribs to get artifacts. These are the best locations to find the artifacts.
#51 Fireball
Thermal Protection: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: This common artifact can be found in the Fire Anomalies.
#52 Snowflake
Endurance: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: This common artifact can be found in electro anomalies.
#53 Night Star
Weight: Strong
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This Rare artifact can be found in gravitational anomalies.
#54 Mama’s Beads
Bleeding Resistance: Medium
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: This uncommon artifact is found in the Thermal Anomalies.
#55 Shop Class
Endurance: Weak
Bleeding Resistance: Weak
Radiation: Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where to Find: This Uncommon artifact is found in Electro Anomalies.
#56 Glare
Electrical Protection: Strong
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This rare artifact can be found in Electro Anomalies.
#57 Star Fish
Endurance: Medium
Bleeding Resistance: Medium
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This rare artifact can be found in Electro Anomalies.
#58 Sparkler
Electrical Protection: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: This common variant artifact is found in Electro Anomalies.
#59 Stone Heart
Radiation: Weak
Weight: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: This common artifact can be located in Gravitational Anomalies.
#60 Petal
Bleeding Resistance: Strong
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This rare artifact can be found in Thermal Anomalies.
#61 Meat Lighter
Thermal Protection: Strong
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This rare artifact is part of a Thermal anomaly.
#62 Torch
Thermal Protection: Medium
Weight: Medium
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This rare artifact can be found in Thermal Anomalies.
#63 Pellicle
Chemical Protection: Strong
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This rare artifact can be found in Chemical Anomalies.
#64 Thorn
Radio Protection: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: This common artifact can be found in Acid Anomalies.
#65 Broken Rock
Physical Protection: Medium
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This uncommon artifact can be found in Gravitational Anomalies.
#66 Whirlwind
Physical protection: Weak
Endurance: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: This common artifact can be found in Gravitational Anomalies.
#67 Flower Bud
Physical Protection: Medium
Endurance: Medium
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This rare artifact can be found in Gravitational Anomalies.
#68 Slime
Radio Protection: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: This common artifact can be found in Acid Anomalies.
#69 Urchin
Radio Protection: Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where to Find: This uncommon artifact can be found in Acid Anomalies.
#70 Horn
Chemical Protection: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: This common artifact can be found in Acid Anomalies.
#71 Crest
Endurance: Strong
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This rare artifact can be found in Electro Anomalies.
#72 Jellyfish
Physical Protection: Weak
Radiation: Weak
Worth: 7,500K
Where to Find: This common artifact can be found in Gravitational Anomalies.
#73 Cilate
Chemical Protection: Medium
Radiation: Medium
Worth: 14,000K
Where to Find: This uncommon artifact can be found in Chemical Anomalies.
#74 Thunderberry
Endurance: Maximum
Radiation: Maximum
Worth: 60,000K
Where to Find: This legendary artifact can be found in Electro Anomalies.
#75 Skipjack
Radio Protection: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This rare artifact can be found in Chemical Anomalies.
#76 Devil’s Mushroom
Chemical Protection: Strong
Radiation: Strong
Worth: 35,000K
Where to Find: This rare artifact can be found in Acid Anomalies.
#77 Liquid Rock
Radio Protection: Maximum
Chemical Protection: Maximum
Worth: 60,000K
Where to Find: This legendary artifact can be found in Acid Anomalies.
#78 Weird Water
Effect: Smoother movement Effect
Worth: 80,000K
#79 Weird Nut
Effect: Wounds take longer to heal but allow for rapid blood coagulation.
Worth: 80,000K
#80 Weird Flower
Effect: The Fragrance will mask your scent
Worth: 14,000K
#81 Weird Bolt
Effect: Reduce damage from anomalies
Worth: 80,000K
#82 Weird Pot
Effect: Helps with thirst and hunger
Worth: 80,000K
How To Locate Artifacts In Stalker 2

We will locate the artifacts using Echo and Bear Detector.
- Finish the quest “Dangerous Visitors“. You will find the quest in the small buildings south of Zalissya Base. The mission has you taking out 5 bandits patrolling around the Boiler House north of your current location.
- Here you will also rescue a Stalker Gloomy, having a conversation with him will grant you an Echo Detector. He will also give you some info about Mama’s Bead artifact can be obtained from Fire Anamolies.
- Equip your Echo Detector near the anomalies, the beeping sound will soon begin when the artifact is near your location. It will make more beeping noise when you get closer to the artifact. Then you can grab it off the ground and add it to your inventory.
Note: There are also other introductory artifact detector missions in the game such as the quest “There and Back Again” which also sends you to artifact hunting.
Echo Detector is the first Artifact detector the game gives you part of the tutorial into the mechanisms Later you will have to buy a far more upgraded variation of the Echo Detector, titled Bear Detector for 6000K. You also have the option to purchase Echo Detector for around 2000K.
How To Use Artifacts In Stalker 2

Just add it to your equipment slot.
Open your Inventory you can use the benefits of each artifact by adding to the empty equipment slot. Once added, you can rip the bonus status effect of the artifact in-game. You also have the option to add more Artifacts by upgrading your current armor at Technician or getting a brand-new Armor for yourself.
You also have the option to sell it for the in-game currency. The artifact that offers more buffs will fetch a hefty amount in the market. If you do like the idea of receiving bonuses you can decide to keep it but if you want to drown in the coupons, then selling it might be more to your liking.
Note: There will be decision-making going on here, as upgrading an armor will have a hefty cost, so always consider the option to get a new set of armor.