The rich movie history of Star Wars has slipped into many movies, shows, and video games. When Ubisoft announced the making of a new open-world game about Star Wars, fans were excited about the possibility of getting around in the world of Star Wars as a giant sightseeing tour. Ubisoft also managed to sneak in quite a lot of Easter eggs from movies and shows to various locations in the game. Here are some of the best Easter eggs we have come across in Star Wars Outlaws. Needless to say, spoilers follow!
Boba Fett Easter Egg
Disney did throw a lot of love to Boba Fett with the show Mandalorian, it was bound for the gunslinger to make an appearance in the videogame due to the recent resurgence in popularity. And he does make a small appearance in Star Wars Outlaws.

When you are in Tattooine, rescuing Nix from the menagerie in the mission titled Partners, at one point, the game has you crawl through the vents, in one of the grates you will see Boba Fett’s room. The canon does put Boba Fett in Tattooine; seeing Boba during one of the missions was a nice little touch to the whole scene.
Aurebesh Writings On The Wall

Aurebesh is a language created for the Star Wars universe, and the Star Wars Outlaws implemented the language in many cantinas in the game. The boards that list the food items are all written in Aurebesh, you can use the online translator to convert the words.
Reference To Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II

A Dataslate refers to Bryar Pistol and the location Nar Shaddaa, recalling the events from the Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II. Bryar Pistol was a weapon Kyle Katarn held in the game and the opening level of Dark Forces II kicks off in Nar Shaddaa.
Visit Luke Skywalker’s Home

In Taottoine, down south, you can visit the home of Luke Skywalker’s ‘Last Homestead’, the place has been pillaged but you can see the details buried in the sand. The two NPCs outside the house will start talking about the tragic event that took place in the location.
Blaster Mark From Han Solo

The question “Who shot first” went on for a long time, heading to the Mos Eisley cantina to see the marks of the blaster shot on the wall. Some fans say Han shot first while others claim it was Greedo. In Outlaws, we see Greedo shooting and missing the shot on Han.
The Entire Region Of Akiva

The planet made its debut in the book Star Wars Aftermath by Chuck Wending back in 2015, fans have been waiting to see the planet come to life in some media for nearly a decade. Their wish is finally granted, as the Star Wars Outlaws allow you to step into the land of unseen Akiva and see its beauty in the glorious recreation.
R2-D2 and C-3PO

Next to the hidden cache in the Syndicate-controlled area, you will find two familiar droid types, similar to R2-D2 and C-3PO. The colors of the droid will be different but everything else is the same.
The Expert Temmin Wexley

You will meet Temmin Wexley by sticking to the main quest, he is also an Expert Character in the game that hands you abilities for Kay. But some may not know, Temmin also made his appearance in Star Wars Force Awakens and Star Wars Rise of Skywalker. Both of the movies take place 20 years after the story of the Star Wars Outlaws.
Stormtrooper Aiming Accuracy Issues
Stormtroopers have been the butt of the joke even since George Lucas shared his vision to the screen. But out of all the jokes done at Stormtroopers, their aim with the gun gets the most amount of ridicule.

One of the easter eggs has stormtroopers practicing their aim but they are missing every shot. We know why that is the case, when Luke puts on the stormtrooper helmet he says “I can’t see a thing in this helmet.” or their secret to bad aim could be from the faulty blaster Empire gave them to fight the war, as explained in Mandalorian.
Reference To The Prequel Star Wars Trilogy

Anakin Skywalker in Attack of the Clones will talk about his passion for hating sands. When you head to Tatooine, Kay will overhear a conversation between two stormtroopers, where one of them will share his passion for Sand by saying, “I don’t get why some people hate this place. I love sand!”
Carbonite Story

Once you have finished the mission in Jabba’s palace when you return to the palace again and walk up to Han Solo’s carbonite piece, you will meet an NPC and he will talk about stories of Han Solo.
Chased By Krayt Dragon

If you have seen the show The Mandalorian, then you know why you should not mess with these beasts, you can encounter one of these Krayt Dragons in the game but make sure to bring your speeder along, or it is the easiest game over screen in Outlaws. You can’t miss the beast, as it is part of the main quest titled ‘The Heavy’.
Droid Party

Head to the Maintenance Room in Mirogana, to see a bunch of clear droids doing the train dance. This was an adorable moment, you will also find a container that gives you a Sweeper Droid Trophy. You can then attach the mount to your speeder.
Meet Lando Calrissian

Lando makes a surprise appearance in Outlaws as an Expert Character to help Kay boost her ability and take part in a fun mission revolving around Sabbac.
These were some of the interesting Easter eggs Star Wars Outlaws has packed in its sleeves, so far. In a vast world such as Star Wars Outlaws, we are probably going to see more easter eggs coming out. Meanwhile, if you are looking for other guides on Outlaws, you check out Reach The Old Shipwreck & Find A Way To The Bridge: Star Wars Outlaws or Star Wars Outlaws: How To Steal The Blaster Part From Crimson Dawn District.