Deadlock is the newest shooter MOBA that brings a twist to this multiplayer action game. You get to pick between 21 new Heroes and face off against other teams. Form your team, pick the right Hero for your playstyle, and you will be done! The game has several mechanics to make the gameplay interesting, and one of these are Spirit Items. If you are looking for help on Spirit Items in terms of what do they do and a full list of all Spirit Items in Deadlock, we have put up a guide here explaining exactly that.
What Are Spirit Items In Deadlock?

Spirit Items in Deadlock offer items that help in improving, augmenting, and upgrading your abilities. These are Spirit related upgrades to boost your existing abilities in various ways. To purchase Spirit Items, you need to collect a sort of currency called Souls. Besides enhancing your abilities, you also receive Spirit Power for the type of Spirit Items you own.
The Spirit Item store is split up into three sections, depending on whether you are at early, mid, or late gameplay. The cost of Spirit Items can get expensive during the later part of the game. But as the Spirit Items get expensive, you will gain more Spirit Power. Below are all the Spirit Items costs per section and the amount of Spirit Power you will gain from each of these upgrades
- Early Game
- 500 Souls Tier – 4 Spirit Power
- Mid Game
- 1250 Souls Tier – 8 Spirit Power
- Late Game
- 3000+ Souls Tier – 12 Spirit Power
- 6300+ Souls Tier – 16 Spirit Power
All Spirit Items In Deadlock

We have put up the full list of all Spirit Items in Deadlock, first for early game, then mid and finally end game.
Early Game – 500 Souls Spirit Items
Spirit Item | Description |
Ammo Scavenger | Ammo +15% Bonus Health +60 Passive: You regain ammo anytime you deny or secure a soul, and you also gain stacking Spirit Power (Per Soul: 2 Ammo, 2 Spirit Power, 12 Max Stack) 35 second Spirit Power duration |
Extra Charge | Bonus Ability Charges +1 Cooldown Reduction for Charged Abilities 10% Weapon Damage +6% Rapid Recharge Component |
Extra Spirit | Spirit Power +8 Health Regen +1 Bonus Health +35 Improved Spirit Component |
Mystic Burst | Spirit Shield Health +40 Weapon Damage +6% Passive: If dealing 80 damage or within a single hit, abilities deal extra Spirit Damage. Offers 6 second cooldown and 35 Bonus Damage.Improved Burst Component |
Mystic Reach | Ability Range +15% Spirit Resist +5% Improved Reach Component |
Spirit Strike | Spirit Shield Health +100 Health Regen +1 Melee Damage +15% Passive: You deal extra Spirit damage and reduce the target’s Spirit Resistance if performing a Light or Heavy Melee Attack. Causes 50 Spirit Damage, -12% Spirit Resist, and 8 second duration with 13 second cooldown |
Infuser (Active) | Bonus Health +50 Ammo +10% Active: Gain Spirit Lifesteal and Spirit Power. Offers +16 Spirit Power and +20% Spirit Lifesteal. Has 6 second duration with 35 second cooldown |
Mid-Game – 1,250 Souls Spirit Items
Spirit Item | Description |
Bullet Resist Shredder | Bonus Health +100 Bullet Resist +5% Passive: Reduces Bullet Resist while dealing Spirit Damage (-12% Bullet Resist with 8-second Duration) |
Duration Extender | Ability Duration +16% Bonus Health +100 Health Regen +1.75 Superior Duration Component |
Improved Cooldown | Cooldown Reduction +16% Health Regen +1.5 Superior Cooldown Component |
Mystic Vulnerability | Spirit Resist +6% Passive: Spirit Resist gets reduced when target takes Spirit Damage (-12% Spirit Resist with 6 second Duration)Escalating Exposure Component |
Quicksilver Reload | Passive: Using an ability and landing the first hit will give bonus Spirit Damage. Your weapon auto reloads and you get a Fire Rate bonus for that clip when the ability is used. (50 Spirit Damage with 15% Fire Rate Bonus. 12 second Max Frequency) |
Suppressor | Bonus Health +50 Health Regen +2.5 Spirit Power +4 Dealing Spirit Damage will also apply Fire Rate Slow (-25% Fire Rate Slow with 2 second duration) |
Cold Front (Active) | Spirit Resist +10% Active: Releases an icy blast that deals Spirit Damage. This also slows any target it hits (75 Spirit Damage + [1.5 * Spirit Power] and 40% Movement Slow. Has 14 meter end radius with 3 second duration and 32 second cooldown) |
Decay (Active) | Spirit Power +7 Active: Reduces the healing received by target enemies and inflicts damage overtime on their current health. This ability is non lethal. (-50% healing reduction with 3.1%/second Bleed Damage. Has 15 meter cast range + [0.20*Spirit Power], lasts 10 seconds with 30 second cooldown) |
Slowing Hex (Active) | Sprint Speed +1m/s Spirit Power +5 Active: Slows down the Target’s movement and dashes and also deals Spirit Damage. Can also silence their movement bases abilities and items. Does not affect the target’s stamina. (70 Spirit Damage + [0.59 * Spirit Power] with 30% Movement Slow. 25 Meter cast range with 3 second duration and 25 second cooldown) |
Withering Whip (Active) | Spirit Power +4 Fire Rate +8% Bonus Health +50 Active: Applies Fire Rate Slow on a target and also reduces their Bullet Resist (-30% Fire Rate Slow with -14% Bullet Resist. Has 24 meter Cast Range lasting 4.5 second with 25 second cooldown) |
Late Game – 3000+ Souls Spirit Items
Spirit Item | Description |
Improved Burst | Components: Mystic Burst Spirit Shield Health +100 Weapon Damage +8% Passive: Abilities tend to deal bonus Spirit Damage, but only applies if they deal 125 damage or more within a single hit. Also grants targets immunity to Improved Burst for 5 seconds after taking damage from it (+10% Maximum HP Bonus Damage) |
Improved Reach | Components: Mystic Reach Imbued Ability Range +35% Non-Imbued Ability Range +25% Spirit Resist +10% Spirit Power +6 |
Improved Spirit | Components: Extra Spirit Spirit Power +21 Health regen +2 Sprint speed +1m/s Bonus Health +75 Boundless Spirit Component |
Mystic Slow | Components: Suppressor Bonus health +100 Health regen +3 Spirit Power +6 Passive: Target’s movement speed and fire rate gets reduced if they take Spirit Damage. (+30% movement speed reduction and +40 fire rate slow. Duration: 2 seconds. |
Rapid Recharge | Components: Extra Charge Bonus Ability Charges +2 Faster Time Between Charges +55% Charged Ability Cooldown Reduction +25% |
Superior Cooldown | Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction +32% Non-Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction +24% Health Regen +4 |
Superior Duration | Components: Duration Extender Increases abilities and items duration Imbued Ability Duration +32% Non-Imbued Ability Duration +26% Bonus Health +175 Weapon Damage +15% Health Regen +4 |
Surge of Power | Bonus Health +75 Passive: Ability gets permanent Spirit Power embedded. When this ability is used, you gain bonus movement speed (+34 Spirit Power and +3 meter/s Move Speed) |
Torment Pulse | Bonus Health +125 Spirit Power +6 Passive: Deals spirit damage periodically to the closest 2 enemies. (40 Spirit Damage +[0.24*Spirit Power], 9 meter pulse radius with 1.5 seconds cooldown) |
Ethereal Shift (Active) | Active: You can enter a void like state and become invincible and untargetable for a short duration. But you cannot move or perform any actions. Afterwards you gain bonus Spirit Power and instant reload (3.5 second duration with +14 Spirit Power bonus. There is 10 second Bonus Spirit Duration and 30 second Duration) |
Knockdown (Active) | Stamina +1 Spirit Shield Health +200 Spirit Power +6 Active: Target gets stunned and knocked down after a 2 second delay. This can interrupt them and prevent them from taking action temporarily. (0.9 second Stun duration with 45 meter cast radius) |
Silence Glyph (Active) | Spirit Shield Health +200 Sprint Speed +1 meter /s Active: Fires a projectile that can damage and silence targets. Silencing does not interrupt the channeling abilities (25 meter cast radius and 3 second duration. 100 Spirit Damage + [1.00*Spirit Power]. 30 second cooldown) |
Late Game – 6300+ Souls Spirit Items
Spirit Item | Description |
Boundless Spirit | Components: Improved Spirit Spirit Power +60 Weapon Damage +25% Bonus Health +300 Health Regen+15 Sprint Speed +3 meter /s |
Diviner’s Kevlar | Spirit Life steal +20% Cooldown Reduction +12% Passive: Gain temporary Spirit Shield, Spirit Power, and Bullet Shield after casting an ultimate ability (700 Spirit Shield, 700 Bullet Shield, +40 Spirit Power. 60 second cooldown and 15 second duration) |
Escalating Exposure | Components: Mystic Vulnerability Spirit Resist +15% Bonus Health +125 Spirit Resist on Spirit Damage -15% Passive: Applies a stacking Spirit Amp while dealing Spirit Damage. This increases your Spirit Damage. (+6% Spirit Amp per stack having 15 second duration, 0.7 second Max Frequency per Target) |
Mystic Reverb | Spirit Lifesteal +15% Spirit Resist +15% Ability Range +15% Passive: Applies an ability that slows the target within a radius and deals additional damage percentage to enemies around the target. Damage happens after a short delay. (+40% damage with +50% movement slow. Radius is 16 meters with 3 second delay duration. Has 6 second cooldown) |
Curse (Active) | Weapon Damage +20% Spirit Power +8 Active: Curses an enemy. The curse can interrupt, Silence, Disarm, and preventing item usage (3.25s Status Duration, 20 meter Cast Range, 50s Cooldown) |
Echo Shard (Active) | Move Speed +1m/s Bullet Resist +16% Spirit Power +8 Active: Reset the cooldown of the recently used non-ultimate ability (20s Cooldown) |
Magic Carpet (Active) | Ability Duration +10% Spirit Power +15 Bonus Health +150 Active: Summons a Magic Carpet, helps gain Spirit and Bullet Shields. No abilities can be used while the Carpet is summoned. Flying with the carpet can cause immunity to slow. Performing any action will dismiss the carpet (400+ Bullet and Spirit Shield Health, 7.7s Duration, 1.3s Summon Duration, +6 meter/s Bonus Fly Speed, 17.6s Shield Duration, 30s Cooldown) |
Refresher (Active) | Spirit Resist +16% Bullet Resist +8% Active: Reset all abilities cooldown and restore all charges (197s Cooldown) |
That’s all there is to know about all Spirit Items in Deadlock. We have also put up a guide explaining what Spirit Power actually does in Deadlock, do check that out as well.