The best way to experience an RPG is by trying out multiple builds, and each one should make the game feel and play new to you even if you have finished the game multiple times. In this guide, we have put up what we think are the 6 best builds in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. We have listed out all the armor, weapons, skills, and abilities to focus on when you are making the build. Without further ado, here are the best 6 builds for Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
The Best 6 Builds In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Here is the list of builds in the guide. Each build is different, the starting class might stay the same but where the build ends at is unique and very different from each other.
Spellblade Build In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Spellblade build focuses on the AOE attacks and arcane bombs making it a fantastic build to handle mobs of enemies at a time. The close-range aspect of the build is also favorable to a lot of players. This is a mage class build, so you are allowed to switch between Fire, Cold, Electricity, and Necrosis.
You can go with Antivan Crows or Shadow Dragons. If the build is more focused on magic attacks, then we recommend Shadow Dragons. But if you are building towards a well-rounded spellblade, then go with Antivan Crows.
Skills will decide what kind of damage you will be able to pull off surrounded by enemies.
- Meteor: Call down a meteor to burn everything down. An AOE attack is perfect for cleaning large areas.
- Chain Lightning: Call upon a bolt of lightning that speeds through enemies.
- Storm Surge: Storm that deals AOE damage to nearby enemies.
- Destructive Light: One directional damage that leaves you invulnerable to any attacks.
Great Alternatives:
Here you can swap Chain Lightning with either Void Blade or Wall of Fire, both of them are excellent at dealing heavy damage while keeping you at a safe distance in combat.
Here you can go for Urthemiel’s Ash, Split-Hilt Dirk, or Flamebranch. Nearly every spellblade build uses Mageknives as their primary weapon. If you prefer a heavier attack play style, then we recommend you switch to Spilit-Hilt Dirk.
Here you need to focus on your defense, since you are using a Meteor as your primary skill we recommend you to go with Helm of Light and Shadow, wearing it will increase your detonation damage. In other gear, you should focus on Mana regeneration, as using the skills repeatedly will cost you a lot of mana.
If it’s early in the game, then it is a good idea to shore up your defense. Once you are comfortable on that front, you can start focusing more on mana regeneration.
Duelist Build In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

The duelist build is more geared toward doing devastating amounts of damage to a single enemy. The damage dealt here will be centered around Necrotic-based damage. The equipment and gear stat bonus will focus on the Necrotic damage and resistance aspect of the build.
There are two you can juggle around, Either you can go with Veil Rangers or Antivan Crows. When you switch to Veil Rangers, you will raise your critical hit and weak point damage but with Antivan Crows, you are going to get an extra health potion slot.
Here are the proper skill sets for the Duelist built-in Dragon Age Veilguard.
- Toxic Dash: Here you dash forward and inflict Sundered and Necrosis on the enemy.
- Explosive Daggers: You can throw three explosive daggers and inflict a Sundrered effect.
- A Thousand Cuts: You can hit your opponent 16 times with a killer final blow.
- Concussive Barrage: A great AOE damage that also leaves a stagger effect on the enemies.
Great Alternatives: Here you can switch between Murder of Crows with Concussive Barrage to deal better damage. Another great alternative skill here is Hurricane of Blades, which will leave Necrotic Damage around you, making it perfect for enemy mobs – which is often the case in mid and end-game. The default Hurricane of Blades works well with Bellara’s Galvanized Tear.
When facing a boss, you will want to stick to Toxic Dash to inflict Sundered, hit Explosive Daggers to keep the Sundered status running, and then think about launching your final move. The sheer number of combinations here can be fantastic.
Here Weisshaupt’s Wall, Duelist’s Blade, and Cryptwood Bow will be the best choices for your build. The focus should be on the Necrotic damage more than anything else. Most of the weapons such as Duelist’s Blade will deal 40+ Necrotic damage.
Defiant Silence, Pursuant’s implements will be a better choice, you should pay attention to the defense stat. The ring and other accessories should follow the weapon route of making your Necrotic Damage and Resistance better.
Reaper Build In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Reaper achieves quite a balance between offense and defense, it is all about survival. Mixing of companions makes the build even better, if you are having trouble in the endgame, Reaper build is certainly an excellent choice to have some fun at the end.
Here you can go for Veil Jumpers which deals more heavy damage, lands more critical hits, and damages points, or Vigilant Training, which raises defenses and health.
Here we are going to take a look at the best skills for Reaper Build.
- Titan Stomp: Leaves shockwave that stuns enemies.
- Whirlwind: Spin in a circle dealing devastating blows to nearby enemies, and also stuns enemies.
- Reaper: Steal the enemy’s health by slashing them.
- Flashing Fists: Health regeneration makes you stay alive for a longer time, perfect for end game or difficult arenas.
Great Alternatives:
One of the good alternatives here would be hands down, Bloody Advance. A perfect skill to apply after the Reaper skill. It applies sundered, bleeding, and also releases a burst of damage to all nearby enemies. Initially, you might want to stick to Titan Stomp and Driving Kick and then move to the other stages of the Reaper Skill tree.
Here Dark Shard, Flying Kite, and Anvil Breaker will make a better choice for the best weapon for the Reaper. When picking a weapon for the Reaper playthrough, you need to keep Necrotic Damage in mind, since most of the attack from the Reaper will focus around Necrotic damage buffs.
Here we will go with Carastes Double-Hat and Brawler’s Decorated Leathers. Reaper equipment should focus on overall damage and rage generation. While the Titan Stomp doesn’t require any rage, at a later point in the game you will need rage, here having the gear will leave an impact on your gameplay. Another skill here you should focus on the Necrotic Damage.
Veil Ranger Build In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

If you want to pick enemies at a distance without getting close, then you should look at the Veil Ranger, the skills for this rouge-type build are perfectly suited for long-range gameplay. Here we are going to take a look at the best skills and equipment that you need to focus on to make the build more superior.
Here you can either go with Veil Jumpers or Antivan Crows. The faction that is perfect for Veil Ranger would be the one that delivers a good amount of critical damage. We will recommend Veil Jumpers for the crit and weak point damage.
Here are the skills you need to focus on with the Veil Ranger build.
- Reeling Bolt: Stuns enemies and inflicts shock on the primary target.
- Storm’s Path: Release a devastating blow from your bow.
- Lighting Quiver: Release a storm of electric bolts picking up random enemies in the field.
- Twin Gifts of Arlathan: The ultimate attack that does over 3000 damage.
Great Alternatives:
You can swap to Amprage, and prepare to deal 10% electricity damage with this one. Another great skill that will fit here is Strong Draw, if you do like to charge your shot before firing, equipping Strong Draw will deal 10% more charged bow damage. One last skill that should not be missed, is Killer Instinct, a 20% extra stagger to the enemies from abilities.
The weapons of choice for Veil Ranger will be Golden Grassblade, Storm Needle, and Glory Hunter’s Bow. The focus here is the charge attacks, Glory Hunter’s Bow delivers a bonus to charge attacks if the enemy is placed 20 meters away from your location.
Here Forest Guardian’s Veil and Wanderer’s Long Coat will be perfectly suited for the build. The focus here should be on Momentum & Arrow generation. Just like any armor set, you also need to pay attention to the defensive stats as well. For accessories, here you can check the ranged attack damage bonus to deal even more damage from your build.
Slayer Build In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

If you are looking for a two-handed weapon build, then you need to take a look at the Slayer Build in Veilguard. Here you will have to play the game more aggressively, the winner’s move here is the heavy attack and swift movement to dodge out of the way of the enemy’s attack.
Hands down, the Lord of Fortune will be the best faction choice here, a perfect faction for two-handed weapons which will eventually lead to takedowns. Another great alternative here will be Grey Wardens, a boost to your defense’s health.
Most of the Slayer skill reflects the warrior skill types.
- Driving Kick: High damage kick inflicts stun status.
- Fury of the Forge: Release burning steel blades up above, inflicting burning status.
- Whirlwind: Deal massive blows to anyone near you.
- Flashing Fists: Deal powerful blows 4 times on enemies.
Great Alternatives: Here we will prefer Specteral Bulwark to raise your defense by 50%, which is not a bad skill to have at the end game. Determined Death and Flames of Victory are a great choice for Slayer build. The focus here is damage, Determined Death will deliver a great amount of damage based on your weapon type, while Flames of Victory will achieve 25% more stagger from the weapon while the flame is active.
Here we will go with Woodsong Cleaver, Captain’s Heater, and Winged Glaive. Basically, any weapon that is more damaged-focused. Since we are playing a Slayer build, you should always focus more on damage-centric playstyle.
Carastes Double-Hat and Brawler’s Decorated Leather will be a perfect fit for the Slayer early on. Since you are all hitting offense with Slayer, you need to keep defensive stats in mind. So when you are upgrading your armor, focus on the defensive stats, another perk you should not miss with Slayer is the Rage Generation. So always look for the set that helps you with your rage.
Death Caller Build In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

The build has an awesome name behind it, and the act you will do in the battle will be worth it to play as a Death Caller. Here you will get to become a full-fledged necromancer, which means you will get to suck out enemy life forces and use various other creative ways to bring the enemy’s health down.
Since you are going full-on evil mage, we will go with Shadow Dragon. Passive mana regeneration will allow you to cast devasting spells without worrying about the mana amount. The frequent use of the spell will also see an increase here.
Here is the list of skills that will make Death Caller a memorable playstyle for the Veilguard.
- Chain Lighting: Chaing Lighting to all enemies in the area.
- Frost Nova: Freeze nearby enemies.
- Corrupted Ground: Deals minor damage, and inflicts Necrosis to any enemies who touch the corrupted part of the ground.
- Spirit Bomb: Releses a necrotic explosion by stealing energy from the enemy. It also restores your HP.
Great Alternatives:
Breathing Room will be a great addition to the corrupted ground, as it will increase the radius of the area by 50%. If you want more mana generation, look at Channeled Thoughts to get 50 mana per second anytime. You can also look at Time Management and Collateral Damage for a significant damage increase. The choices here are a lot and they will come in handy to your gameplay.
Glacial Rod, Spellcaster’s Stiletto, and Veilsong will deliver the blow to the enemies. Here you should focus on the Necrotic Weapons. Most of the stats here will focus on Necrotic Damage buff and mana regeneration. Since we are in the mage class, most of the requirements for Death Caller will be much the same as the mage build.
Here you can go with Cursed Vitaar and Jumper’s Deft Leathers, here should focus more on the Necrotic Damage and the ability time. Most spells will focus on dealing damage, raising their time and damage will be incredibly helpful here.