The ability to put one skill from one archetype and install it on the other makes build customization one of the best parts of Metaphor: ReFantazio. It is up to the player to play the game to their liking without forcing a predetermined skill route. The customizable option of this level opens up way too many doors for us to work, now we can juggle around skills to make the game work for us. Here is a guide that will show you the best skills to inherit in Metaphor: ReFantazio.
Best Skills To Inherit In Metaphor: ReFantazio

Skill inheritance will cost MAG, so prepare to spend a lot to make the system work. The cost of the MAG will stay different, some skills may require a lot of MAG while others can be pushed through with few. The game also starts small and gives you a limited amount of options, but once you work with the system you will find more options opening up in the later stages in the game.
It does feel like we just barely scratched the surface when it comes to skill combination, since there are plenty of skills in the game for us to fusion with another. The skill lists listed below served us well in the early game to the mid-game journey. Some of the underrated skills, such as First Aid or Power Thrust, did come in handy when we found ourselves stuck in a dungeon with low MP. The skills listed below will fit perfectly with one another, many builds also focus on these skills to confront many of the challenges in the game.
Type: Recovery
Usage Cost: 10 MP
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Healer
One of the best options, it recovers HP for all allies and only for 10 MP. Many players will opt out of Medi or Medica for their healing option in the game rather than switching to Medicall. What matters here is the cost of MP, Medi, and Medica have a limited MP requirement. Medicall or any higher healing spell might swallow a lot of MP after casting it only once. For early games, Medi will come in incredibly handy in the game.
First Aid
Type: Recovery
Usage Cost: 2 MP
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Knight
First Aid is another highly underrated skill in the game especially for early stages. It costs only 2 MP to execute and does bring a decent amount of HP to one single ally. A perfect skill for people who are looking to save MP as much as possible for later fights. Once you combine First Aid with other skills that recover MP, First Aid will quickly become your favorite skill to recover health.
Type: Recovery
Usage Cost: 20 MP
Turn Cost: 2
Archetype: Healer/ Cleric
Required Skill: Medi
Medicall is a better choice for healing, but to preserve MP we went with Medica. It does help us heal a medium amount of health but consumes less MP; nearly half of the MP cost of Medicall (40 MP).

Type: Fire/ Ice
Usage Cost: 4 MP
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Mage
A combination of both will work wonderfully here, Bot will deal weak fire damage and Blizz on the other hand will opt for Ice damage to a single enemy. Both of them are favorites amongst early players, who are still finding their footing in the game. Later into the game, you can choose a better variation of Bot and Blizz to deal heavy amounts of elemental damage.
Type: Almighty
Usage Cost: 4 MP
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Thief
Since you have the option to replay the battle over again, stealing is something that shouldn’t be looked down upon. You can nab a rare item from the enemy, if your agility rank is high, the chance of acquiring something rare goes up well.
Gold Attack
Type: Almighty
Usage Cost: 500 Reeve
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Merchant
Think of Gold Attack as a less pricier version of Gold Rush, but it does deal a great amount of damage to a single enemy. The high critical rate is just the cherry on the top of the cake here. It’s a default unlock, you don’t need to rank up Merchant, Gold Attack is a must-skill for Metaphor: ReFantazio.
Lucky Find
Type: Passive
Cost: N/A
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Merchant Rank 2/ Tycoon
For the early game, Lucky Find will bring the Irish charm to your character, Lucky Find raises your chances of finding items after battle by 20%. When you are starting out with nothing in your pockets, having more items from battles would never hurt.
Gold Rush
Type: Almighty
Usage Cost: 2500 Reeve
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Tycoon (Merchant)
A perfect skill for bosses, Gold Rush is the big brother of Gold Attack. While Gold Attack does hit hard, but Gold Rush is certainly at another level. It also carries a high critical rate and deals an absurd amount of damage to a single enemy. Many builds in Metaphor: ReFantazio make use of Gold Rush or Gold Attack to deal heavy damage while the attacks do cost money, but in the later game, you will be drowning in it.
Type: Light
Usage Cost: 10 MP
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Cleric
Want to go for a magic build? Then you should think about adding Hamaon to the list, while it deals weak magic damage, the 10 MP requirement is the killer factor here.
Poison Shot

Type: Pierce
Cost: 10 MP
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Gunner
Can only be used from the back row, the shot deals pierce damage, but the highlight here is the chance of inflicting poison status on the enemy. We found great use of the Posion Shot against the bosses with a large pool of health. Since we can deliver the shot from the back row, it makes the poison shot appealing.
Knight’s Proclamation
Type: Support
Usage Cost: 4 MP
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Knight
Basically, a taunt to make the enemy hit you instead of going after the other. While it might not sound appealing at first, during the mid-game, you will be glad to have Knight’s Proclamation on you. The skill comes in handy in specific situations during strategic gameplay, especially when you are fiddling around different build types.
Type: Support
Usage Cost: 18 MP
Turn Cost: 2
Required Skill: Tarukaja
Archetype: Seeker
A superior version of Tarukaja, where it raises the attack power for all the allies for three turns, whereas Tarukaja had its focus on only one enemy at a time. 18 MP does sound steep here, but compared to 8 MP per enemy in Tarukaja, Matarukaja makes more sense.
Power Thrust
Type: Pierce
Usage Cost: 20% HP
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Pugilist
The piercing damage is decent here but the attack also lowers the defense for three turns. This will come in incredibly handy in the later section of the game. Many players opt to add the Power Thrust into their strength focus build, it goes well with Gold Rush. Once the defense is down, you can hit the enemy with a heavy attack such as Gold Rush or Gold Attack.

Perfect Punch
Type: Strike
Usage Cost: 15% HP
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Brawler
Your remaining HP will have an impact on the damage number on the enemy. If you are saving MP, and want to build a team around focusing on Damage, Perfect Punch shouldn’t be ruled out. It delivers slightly lower physical damage to one enemy but with 0 MP. With the healing skills we mentioned above in the article, combining them with Perfect Punch will create a perfect disaster for the enemies in the game.
Type: Slash
Usage Cost: 12 MP
Turn Cost: 1
Archetype: Warrior
Perfect for when you encounter an enemy with no weakness to display, these tough brutes only understand the language of good ol’ heavy damage numbers. The 4-hit combo is what steals the skill here, mixing it up with other skills, you are going to be a force to reckon with in the game.
What Is The Best Skill In Metaphor ReFantazio?
Many of the game’s system wants you to mess around to create a build that suits your style instead of picking the default one. The skill alone might not bring any good to your character or the damage output, but when you start to mix them up with other rare unique skills. Only then you will see the real beauty of the combat in Metaphor ReFantazio.
Skills here shouldn’t be chosen as a solo value, here you need to play around and find what skills link with another, for example, having an MP recovery skill will go extremely well with a skill that requires MP to execute. In another example, you have abilities such as Perfect Punch that require 15% of your HP, here having an HP recovery skill will enable you to launch as many Perfect Punch on the enemy without worrying about the health.
If you are planning to create a perfect build, each skill acts as an ingredient to a larger dish. And it is up to you to decide which one of them makes others elevate or work. On their own, skills are great, but merging with another they will be better. All the skills on a Build need to complement each other rather than being solo-focused.
These interlinking mechanics of the game are what makes the skill system worthwhile, and deserve your attention. You can check out our guide on all the skills for all Archetypes in Metaphor: ReFantazio to help you make better decisions on your build.